Captain Koby

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Telling him:

Koby is sitting on the other side of the bathroom door with his ear placed up against it.

"Hey, blossom... You've been in the bathroom throwing up non-stop in the mornings for two days... I think I should take you to a doctor. You're probably dehydrated and that will only make your illness worse. Can I come in?"

He cracks open the bathroom door and finds you about to vomit.

He kneels to your side. "Hey, hey, hey.. Shhhh.. it's okay. Just let it out. I've got you. Jeez, blossom, you've got a serious stomach bug, don't you? I wonder where you got it from". He says as he slowly rubs your back. "I hope you didn't catch it from one of the Marines when you came to visit me at work last week".

You stop throwing up and take a few moments to gather yourself, wash your hands, and brush your teeth. After that, you make it back to your bed.

"Wait! Let me carry you!" your husband shouts

"I'm fine. I just need to rest is all".

"Well, alright. I will let you sleep for a little while but I am taking you to the doctor the moment you wake up, alright? If you need anything at all, just tell me. I'll be lying in bed right next to you".

You close your eyes and drift off to sleep within minutes.

Koby slept for a little while but woke up long before you. He sits up while being careful not to move the blanket too much in an effort not to wake you. "She's so cute when she sleeps".

He gets out of bed just as quietly and walks over to your side. He feels your forehead to check for a fever. "She doesn't feel hot... She never said anything about a fever so I suppose it really was all just stomach-related. I can't rule out an infection, though. I gotta take her in today. Oh, she's gotta be cold! I took almost half of the blanket off of her in my sleep! I'll put it back on her and another.

He looks underneath the bed for the spare blanket the two of you keep. Unfolding it, he lightly places it over the blanket that is already on you. In the midst of unfolding it, however, he hears something hit the floor.

"Hm? What was that? There was something inside of the blanket..."

He looks down and notices a long piece of what appears to be plastic.

"What's this?" he asks himself as he picks it up. "Looks like a pen?" He turns it over only to find a small window with a blue plus sign in it.

"Is this a...pregnancy test? It's positive. ... Oh, blossom, this couldn't be why you've been sick, can it?" Koby can feel himself grow overwhelmed. His cheeks flush red and starts to take short, rapid breaths. He sits down on his side of the bed to try and settle down. Looking at the test one more time "I can't believe it. I'm...going to be a dad. Why didn't she tell me? Was she afraid of what I would say? Was she afraid I would leave her? I want to wake her-"

You let out a yawn and stand up with a stretch "I'm sorry I slept for so long. I told you I would feel better. The nausea always subsides". 

You notice Koby does not respond.

"Hello? Are you going to say something?"

He stands up on his feet and walks over to you with a firm expression on his face. He almost looked angry. Placing both of his hands on your shoulders he looks you dead in the eyes and sighs "I found the pregnancy test wrapped in the blanket under the bed".

"You did? Koby, I was going to tell you. I just needed to figure out how to say it. I wasn't going to keep it from you that much longer. It's only been a few days since I found out-"

One Pice Guys x F Reader |You're Going To Be A Dad|Where stories live. Discover now