🦁Prefect Meeting🦁

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Third POV

It was time for the prefect meeting about the Magift Tournament, the prefects of the seven dorms we're already in the room, even Idia in person, to the shock of everyone there.

Why? Because when he heard you were coming to the meeting, he wanted to ask you to hang out with him and Ortho.

(A/N: IDK if I should write a chapter about their hangout, but tell me what you guys think, and I will be leaving a few suggestions for special future chapters.)

Well now they were all there, a certain crow hasn't arrived yet, to the annoyance of most of them.

"Where's Headmage? He was supposed to be here a while ago." Riddle spoke up.

"Abandoning his post again..." Leona rolled his eyes as he slacked on his seat.

"Déjà Vu much?" Vil huffed.

"Did he get a stomach ache or something?" Kalim questioned.

The double doors slammed open and Crowley walked in Elsa style.

"Not at all!" Crowley said.

"Finally..." Riddle muttered.

A familiar scent was smelled by Leona, making his ears perk up and his eyes snapped open, "Her scent..."


You entered after Crowley, and looked at them as they stared at you surprised and confused, except for Idia.

You spotted Idia and waved at him with a smile, "Hi Idia, nice to see you again." Your response making him blush and wave back, "Hi Y/N..." The other prefects were surprised you and Idia knew each other, since he was the most antisocial of them all.

Crowley went to his seat, you followed and stood next to him, Idia stood up, "Y/N, you can have my seat..." he timidly said, this shocked them.

You shook your head, "It's ok Idia, I prefer standing rather than sitting." You said smiling at him, making blush even more and making the other prefects jealous.

"Alright then! Let our meeting about the October Inter-Dorm Magift Tournament commence." Crowley said. "First, Octavinelle Dorm's Mr. Ashengrotto as the manager for the tournament has an announcement for us."

"To begin, all slots for external enterprises and internal club activities have been filled." Azul announced. "As for the institution of food stalls around the coliseum venue, I'm afraid it's still in progression and will take some time."

"Oh! Very nice! It's going to be super lively!"
Kalim smiled.

"Royal guests from every country have all been sent their invitations. General attendance tickets are also selling well. And applications from TV stations and newspapers are coming in like they do every year." He smirked, kind of hoping he impressed you.

"I have to make sure my foundation is in perfect form for the ultra vision." Vil stated. "Physical activity means I have to spend that much more time fixing it."

"How can you all be so proactive about being in front of a bunch of people? Just thinking about it makes me wanna vomit." Idia complains.

Everyone just kept conversing, without knowing Azul's distress, you noticed and summoned Hukaru quietly without anyone noticing, Hukaru jumped on the table and roars, making everyone jump out of their seats, some falling of their seats, like Leona who was sleeping fell and Kalim who also fell, the others just jumped out of their seats looking at Hukaru shocked, and you just stood there.

"Where the hell did that thing come from!" Crowley demanded, making Hukaru growl at him, Crowley sequeled and hid behind you.

You walked up to Hukaru and scratched him behind his ears and under his chin, he calmed down and started purring and licking you, this made everyone surprised.

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