🐙Exam Madness🐙

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Yuu's POV.

✨Dream World✨

My mind drifted off to another dream, but this time, I was in the ocean. I looked at the sky, seeing the dark clouds and thunder, 'What an intense storm...'

"Hurricane a'comin'! Stand fast! Secure the riggin'!"
A sailor from the boat said.

A red haired girl pulled a dude with black hair to shore, before laying him on the sand

That's when I noticed the girl's tail.

'A mermaid!'

"Look! He's breathing." Ariel said, smiling, before going back into the ocean once she heard someone coming closer.

"Eric!" Grimsby exclaimed, as they help the dude, now known as Eric up, and they both walked towards the palace.

"A girl... rescued me." Eric said, as they walked, "She had the most..beautiful voice..."

Once the two were out of sight, Ariel pulled herself up a rock, "My heart...Oh, how it pounds! Yes, I know it. The day will soon come..." She then sung as a splash of water came up behind her, "...part of your world!"

Near her were two eels, who watched the whole thing as they let out a small laugh.

Then everything went dark...

✨Dream Ends✨

I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed, 'Another weird dream...'

'And that means another overbolt...'

Looking at my clock, it read 4:36.

I sigh tiredly, remembering that it was the last day final exams.

I got out bed and went to the kitchen to get some water.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard a voice.


I opened the door to Y/N's room, to see Y/N sound asleep Grim was at her desk with books scattered around.

"Mrrrghrow...The trick to tests.. is if they're two choices.. it's a trick question..." Grim said, before his eyes slowly started to close.

"Pulling off an all-nighter?" I said and that shocked the sleep out of him.

"Myah! Don't surprise me like that. You'll make me forget everything I memorized!" He said, glaring at me, "Today's the last day of final exams, y'know. You and I are still technically one student put together, so you better not tank my grades, henchmen."

I blinked surprised, Grim was actually putting effort into the exam?

Now that's new!

"Well don't stay up too late, Professor Crewel will whip you for sleeping."


Third POV

"Why did you ignore my summons yesterday? You clearly don't understand the position you're in." Dude with glasses said, as he watched the fidgeting dude in front of

"I-Look, I was dealing with some, uh, stomach problems..." Random dude said, lying to him, in order to go back to his room.

"Is that true? Because lying would not do you any favors, I assure you."

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