Oh baby

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Nicoletta's pov

I was planning on telling our parents about faith's dream of becoming a actress. I hope they don't go crazy about this. It's what she wants to do they should be happy. I don't exactly know when I'm telling them today but I'll soon do it.

I was currently in my room writing a song. I want to be a singing i might ask Mr Presley if he'd be able to help me with a song one day. Elvis gave faith his number when we were back stage. She talked about it the whole ride home. Is this girl in love or what?

There was a knock at my door I looked up from my note book. "Come in." I groaned rolling over and standing up putting my book up. In came faith with two pairs of clothes and her hair in a bun. I smiled from my little window seat that I just had seated in.

She had two beautiful outfits I loved her style. "Hellooo Nicoletta I was wondering what outfit I should wear to tonight's dinner can you help me?" She asked. I of course accepted I always like picking out outfits.

I got up and ran over to the outfits. One was a red poke-doted dress with a black sweater and the other was just a plain pink dress. I of course picked the styled dress with the poke-dots. I liked it so much. She hugged me and ran out of the room.

I walked out and walked down stairs and seen Blair and Aimee sitting on the stairs drawing. They liked drawing but Aimee wanted to be a singer. She had gotten a purple guitar two nights ago. "Hey girls." I said stepping over them so I didn't step on them.

They looked up and smiled and waved. Ashley went with momma to the store while daddy was at work. I walked into the kitchen and got a apple to eat. I washed it because that's what momma taught us to do.

Faith came down looking as beautiful as a flower. She twirled around with a big smile on her face. I tilted my head and hugged her. I love being a older sister. Daddy had some guest coming to dinner tonight he didn't tell us who. He only told us to have nice stuff on.

I thought about asking daddy and momma about faiths acting tonight at dinner that way they don't freak out because we will have a guest. "You look so beautiful." I told her grabbing both of her hands. She did another spin. "Thank you." She laughed. Faith was always a dress up girl she loved it.

The two girls came in the kitchen looking confused as ever. "Why is she all dressed up?" Aimee asked. Did she forget already oh gosh. I'm so glad she asked because if she wasn't ready i don't know what would've happened. "Daddy has that guest coming today remember?" I asked.

Her eyes widened. Yep she definitely forgot. "That's tonight?" Aimee asked. Me and faith nodded. The two girls ran upstairs leaving me and faith to burst out laughing. I had to go and get ready so I ran upstairs to put a Nice dress on.

Faiths pov

I was downstairs by the table waiting for momma and daddy to get home. I was excited to see who the guest was going to be. I haven't called Elvis yet nic keeps begging me to but I won't commit to it.

I saw the door open and in came momma and Ashley. Momma told Ashley to go get ready for tonight so she doesn't have to rush. "Do you want to help me get dinner ready honey?" Momma asked as she walked in the kitchen.

I put down my book and nodded. We were having mommas famous pasta with salad and garlic bread. It was the best I feel like the guest will definitely love it.

I got the cutting board out and a knife so I could cut up the stuff for the lettuce while momma did the pasta and the sauce and the garlic bread. "Do you know who the guest is momma?" I asked while cutting onions up.

She laughed and nodded. "I think you will love it because you know them." She said trying not to say who it was. I thought about it but I just couldn't put my mind to who it was. I just shrugged it off and continued to cook.

It was currently 7:00 p.m. and daddy pulled in the drive way with a fancy car behind them. I didn't pay attention to who got out I ran upstairs to get my sisters. Then ran back to help momma set the table.

The door opened and I heard running down the stairs. The girls screaming and excited. I walked out of the Dining room. There he was the person I was scared to called. Elvis Presley.

My eyes went wide and he turned to look at me. Ashley twirled her hair like she did in the guitar store that one day. "Hi Elvis." She giggled. I looked at her in disgust. What is she trying to get at right now?

"Elvis these are my daughters Nicoletta Ashley Aimee Blair and faith." He said in order. Elvis shook our hands shaking mine the longest. "Guys this is Mr Presley and Colonel Tom Parker Elvis manger." Daddy said.

I just hope daddy would never find out about the concert. We all sat by the table ready to eat. I sat in the middle of Mr Parker and Elvis. It was an honor. We all sat and talked. "Hey daddy and momma can I ask you something?" Nicoletta asked them. I wondered what she was going to say.

They both shot their heads toward her. They put a smile on their faces. "Of course dear go ahead." Momma said sipping her wine. Daddy took a bite of his pasta.

She took a deep breath and started talking. "So I was wondering if it would be possible for faithy to go to this all week audition thing for a play?" Dad dropped his fork as soon as she said that. I knew he was mad I just hoped he didn't cause a scene.

Elvis seemed impressed he was smirking and everything. "That would be a good idea." Elvis said smiling as he ate his food. Tom Parker looked impressed as well. I was actually glad people supported mine. "Actually honey I don't think it's a bad idea." Momma said.

I feel like momma is finally starting to understand me. I'm liking it so much. I spoke up. "Thank you momma. Thank you Elvis." I smiled at the both of them. I mouthed thank you Nicoletta. She nodded. She knew he was mad.

I feel like everyone knew he was mad. I excused myself and went into the bathroom. Nicoletta followed me to the upstairs bathroom. I don't know why he can't accept what I want to do.

She hugged me as I cried. I want to do this I don't want to sit at home all day and do nothing like he declares I do sometimes. "Im glad he didn't make a scene." I said to her. We went down stairs and seen that Elvis left.

I think I'm going to call him tonight and tell him sorry for what happened and I was just upset that my dad didn't say anything.

I walked down stairs when everyone was asleep and called Elvis. It took a couple tries but he finally answered. "I'm sorry I called you so many times Elvis...I just want to apologize." I said through the phone.

He groaned through the phone. I think I woke this poor man up. "Oh darlin there's no need to apologize you didn't do anything wrong." He said tiredly. I know I didn't do anything but I feel bad for not saying goodbye and running upstairs to cry.

I sighed through the phone and nodded as if he could. "I know I didn't el I just feel bad for running upstairs and crying." I sadly said to him. I could here him whispering but I couldn't tell what it was.

I looked down at the the paper with his number on it waiting for him to say something. "you were crying? Why the hell were you crying?" He asked concerned.

I was surprised but I was thinking if I should tell him but I just went with it. "I uh well my dad doesn't really accept my dreams and what I want to do and I don't know if you could tell but he seemed mad when Nicoletta asked.

I didn't know what he was going to say it took a little bit. "Oh baby I'll talk to him i promise maybe he'll listen to me. For now get some sleep." He said. I nodded on the side of the phone.

"Goodnight" I said

"Goodnight baby girl." He said

The phone hangs up.

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