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Faiths pov

I stepped out of the car standing in front of Graceland. Elvis asked me to come over earlier for whatever reason he didn't tell me. I went up to the door and knocked. Some lady answered the door. She looked like she was a maid. "Can I help you?" She asked rudely.

I thought about being rude back but I didn't want someone to hear me. "I'm here for Elvis." I said smiling at her. She looked at me weirdly. She moved aside and let me come in. She brought me to the couch. "Sit I'll go get him." She said walking out.

I looked around the quiet house I see no one was here. I spoke to soon because colonel walked in with a bunch of papers in his hand. "Oh your hear" he said kinda happy. I've never seen this man happy he always had a straight face. He sat the papers on the piano.

Then Elvis walked in with a robe on. Colonel looked at him shaking his head. I still was confused as to why I was here. "Here read these." Colonel said taken the papers off the piano and threw them at me. Elvis looked like he was high or something his eyes were squinting. "What's it for?" I asked.

Colonel looked at Elvis realizing he never told me why I was coming here. Colonel scoffed. "You are here to rehearse. I got you a role in a movie" he said lighting a cigar in the house. I nodded and looked at the papers. Elvis sat on the other side of me and colonel in another chair.

Colonel then quickly got up after sitting down and went outside. I shrugged and looked at the paper. Elvis moved my hair out of my face and whispered in my ear. "You look beautiful darlin" he said. I looked at him he was definitely messed up in the head. I just nodded. I could tell he was on something.

I didn't want to rehearse lines yet I wasn't ready. I put them down on the table. "I'm not ready yet." I said to him. He looked at me confused and just nodded. I put the lines down and crossed my legs. "I'll take them home thought I'll rehearse them at home." I told him reassuring him.

Colonel came back in and told Elvis he had to go. I soon went to the bathroom. But when I got out Elvis was passed out on the couch. I grabbed the blanket that was on the back of the couch hanging and covered him up. I grabbed the papers and every thing I brought.

I went outside and seen Hendrick doing some stuff on the lawn. Hendrick was a driver and the lawn person. I walked over to him. "Hello Hendrick" I said. He turned around startled. He laughed a little bit. "Hiya faith how can I help you." He said putting his hands on his hips.

I had my sister bring me here and told her I'd ask Hendrick to bring me home so she didn't have to come all the way back here. "I was wondering if you could bring me home?" I said. He smiled. "Of course any friend of Elvis is a friend of mine." He said and we walked to the car.

He opened the door and I got in. We talked most of the ride. I was excited to get home and rehearse these lines. Hendrick pulled into my driveway. I told him thank you for the ride and gave him money he kept telling me no but I made him take it. I walked in the house and seen it was quiet.

Mama wasn't here neither was daddy. I shrugged and ran upstairs. I walked into my room where Aimee was. I was confused as to why she was in here I put my stuff down and looked at her. "You've been lying faith. I can't believe you." She said standing up.

I was so confused to what she meant. "What are you talking about?" I asked her as I sat on my bed. I was the most confused right now. "You are dating Elvis and you've been sneaking off to see him. That's where you were just now." She said. I started to burst out laughing when she said that. Where was this coming from.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked with a attitude crossing her arms. "I'm not dating him. Yes we've been seeing each other but just as friends. He got colonel to get me lines for a movie." I said to her just so it's not weird anymore.

She sighed and sat next to me. She laid down for a second. I think she was confused at thoughts right now like she didn't know what to say. "Look I'm sorry I just feel like ever since we meant Elvis all you ever do or want to do is be with him. I miss our sister time." She said putting her arm around me.

Usually Aimee would only care about herself or whatever but I don't know anymore maybe she wanted to have some sisterly time. We made up and she went to her room. I sat at my little desk thinking about today. I heard my window slide open. My curtains moved and I turned my head to my window.

It was Elvis I totally forgot I told him what room was mine. "What are you doing here?" I asked whispering. I hoped not to wake anyone as it was 1:00 a.m ever since me and Aimee talked time just passed on I didn't eat dinner. "I missed you" he said shrugging.

I looked at him strangely putting my lines in my desk drawer I got up and told him to sit on my bed because I was going to go get changed in the bathroom to my pajamas. When I came back in he was looking at a teddy bear that my daddy gave me when I was 10.

"Seriously Elvis why are you here?" I asked trying to not sound like a bitch. I was just confused and lost right now. "I already told you" he laughed. I sat next to him putting my hair into a bun. "Okay I believe you." I said. I mean how could I not I guess it was a reasonable answer we only saw each other for. Little bit earlier.

I sighed and looked at him. He moved on closer and closer. I pushed him back. He was about to kiss me. I wasn't ready yet not like this I could tell he was still on the pills I seen in his bathroom that didn't even have his name on it. "Elvis not like this not right now even let me figure things out okay." I told him.

I moved back in my bed and just waited to see what he would say or do. "Alright but I'm staying here tonight because I don't want to go back home late this time." He said. I nodded and patted my bed to let him sleep there.

He put his arms around me and right there I fell asleep in his arms. That night I would never forget. I just got to make sure he's out of here so no one sees him in the morning.

Helloooo this is kind of short but I don't think you guys will mind. I really hope you enjoyed it:) what do we think of Elvis and faith?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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