she won't let go when you hug her

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"There's my girl!" Emma grinned as you walked into the bedroom.

She set her phone down so she could give you her full attention, not even caring one bit now about the things she was doing on it before.

"How was your day?"

"It was alright, I guess." You replied and watched Emma frown in response.

You kicked off your shoes and just as you finished doing so, you felt her arms wrap around you as she hugged you from behind.

"Did you have a hard day, my love?"

You wordlessly nodded your head before turning around to face her.

And as you did so, she pulled you into her arms for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it all better." She said as she squeezed you tightly.

You breathed out a long sigh as your worries melted away over the comfort of being in her arms.

It's what you've been looking forward to all day, since the minute you walked out the door.

So to be here with her now meant the world to you.

After a moment though, you tried to pull away from the hug so you could steal a kiss or two from her lips.

But all she did was hum and tighten her arms around you.

"Emma," You giggled. "You can let go."

"Nope, never." She said as she put her chin on your head. "I've got you now and I'm not letting you go."

You laughed against her neck, where you buried your face, before breathing in the smell of her body wash that lingered on her skin.

Your heart was swelling in your chest as the love you feel for her overwhelmed you and Emma's did the same.

"My girl." She whispered softly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Suddenly, she led you to the bed and laid down on it with you in her arms, causing giggles to leave both of your lips.

"I'm going to hug you until you feel better." She promised.

You didn't tell her that your stresses and anxiety from the day had already faded away.

You wanted her to hold onto you forever.

"Okay." You spoke quietly as she hummed again and held you closer.

You closed your eyes and squeezed her tight, feeling like everything was right again now that she had you in her embrace.

Emma Myers Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now