first kiss (requested)

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"The stars are so pretty." You said as you stared up at the sky.

Emma was laying down on the blanket on the grass beside you, switching between looking at the sky full of stars and you.

"You think the stars are pretty? You should see my view right now. It's even prettier." She said.

You looked over at her to see what she was staring at, only to find her gaze resting on you.

"See? Beautiful." She grinned as she reached over to stroke your cheek.

You realized that she was talking about you and you couldn't help the way that your cheeks turned red over it.

"How are you doing tonight, pretty girl? Enjoying stargazing?" She asked as she softly caressed your cheek.

"Yeah. It's so pretty and so peaceful. Plus, I'm with you. I'm having the most perfect time."

Emma scooted closer to you before she pulled you into her embrace, wrapping her arm around you.

You put your head on her chest and grabbed her free hand to hold it in yours.

She brushed her thumb across your knuckles and continued to gaze at you while you stared at the sky, both of you mesmerized by the views that your eyes were on.

It's your second date and for this one, Emma took you out for dinner and then to a place in the city that was more private and more secluded, which allowed you to see the beautiful stars in the sky.

You could hear the crickets chirping and the breeze gently blowing, causing the branches to sway.

It was perfect and you never wanted the night to end.

And as much as Emma was enjoying herself, there was something on her mind.

A thought that tugged at her heart, making her feel butterflies each time it entered her mind.

And unable to resist the urge any longer as she only continues to fall harder for you each moment that you spend in her arms, she decided that she'd just go for it.

"Let me see you." She whispered softly.

You turned your head and your eyes met.

She dropped your hand to cup your cheek in her palm once more and both of your hearts began to race as she leaned in, lips inching closer and closer to yours.

"Can I kiss you, baby?" She asked as her lips were about to touch yours, wanting that word of approval to fall from your lips before she'd actually kiss you.


As soon as she heard the word leave your lips, she leaned in and put hers on yours to give you a soft kiss.

It only lasted a second at first.

But when she felt you place your hand on the back of her head and move your lips against hers, her heart swelled and she quickly pulled you in for another kiss.

A much longer one, but one that was just as sweet as the first.

She pulled you closer and brushed her thumb across your cheek, kissing you oh so romantically.

When she pulled back, she sent you the most heartwarming smile and put her forehead on yours.

"That was perfect." You whispered.

"It was." She said as she sank her teeth into your lip. "You're perfect."

You ran your fingers through her hair and she closed her eyes, humming contentedly.

"God," She paused as she opened her eyes and looked into yours again. "I want to kiss you again."

"What are you waiting for?"

Her smile grew a little brighter for a second before she leaned in and put her lips back on yours.

And when they touched, as sparks flew all around you both, she felt as though all the pieces had fallen into place.

She knew it was too early to think anything too serious but she couldn't help but feel like what you had was going to be something long-lasting, something magical and oh-so-special.

She knew from the taste of your lips and the way they moved against hers that she was falling head over heels for you, practically wrapped around your finger already.

And she loved it.

"I like you a lot." She whispered as she brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "I hope you know that."

"I do." You said back to her as you pecked her lips softly. "And I like you a lot too."

Her heart fluttered and she pulled you a little closer as you shared another sweet kiss, both of you wishing that the night would never end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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