Chapter 8

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I'm sorry I've been inactive for a little while!!! But I'm back now and I hope to be getting a lot of chapters out on this book and Dance of The Dragons!!!

I also have multiple new books coming out soon, I hope you all enjoy those as well!

Lots of love❤️❤️


"You did what?!" Elara whispered harshly, grabbing Bloom's arm and dragging her to a private spot in the cafeteria.

"I freed Rosalind, I know you don't agree with it but I have to know the truth." Bloom told her.

"You are so stupid Bloom! If my mother had her locked away it was for good reason, if she was locked away in a place few people knew of then clearly she's dangerous, and you just put us all in danger" Elara whispered yelled, hitting Bloom on the arm when she called her stupid.

"Elara!" Terra called, seeing the interaction between the two fairies.

Elara turned and made her way to Terra, shooting Bloom an angry look.

"Are you alright?" Terra asked as the two walked away.

"Bloom let Rosalind out. I don't know why she was imprisoned in the first place but it had to be for a good reason." Elara said stiffly.

Terra just looked down, feeling guilty, and started picking at her nails.

"Did you know about this?" Elara asked, and when Terra didn't say anything but instead looked at her sheepishly, Elara had her full answer.

"You helped" Elara said, stunned. She breathed out a sharp breath and stormed off, deciding she needed a walk.

Elara decided to go to her mothers office, needing to calm down.

When she got to her mothers office, Aisha tried to stop her from going in.

"You can't go in there Elara"

"And why not?" Elara asked, already pissed off.

"Headmistress Dowling's busy right now"

"Does it look like I care?"

"Well I can't let you go in there"

"Watch me" Elara snapped, opening the door anyways and walking in.

"Ms. Dowling I am so sorry, I tried to stop her-" Aisha started but got interrupted.

"It's fine, she can come in" Farah said, walking around her desk as Aisha nodded and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Farah was hit with a wave of emotions as soon as Elara walked in. The young fairies walls went down as soon as she walked into her mothers office.

Elara had tears of frustration gathering in her eyes, and she was breathing hard.

"What happened sweet girl?" Farah asked, pulling Elara to her.

"It was for good reason, right mum?" Elara said, looking up at her mother with big eyes. "You locked her away for good reason, right?"

Farah took a sharp breath and she tensed but didn't let go of Elara.

"It was, she's dangerous Elara, very dangerous" Farah said, holding Elara's face she she was looking at her.

Before either could get another word in, Saul came rushing in. "Burned ones have infiltrated the barrier"

"Mum" Elara said, turning to her mother.

"Go to the courtyard with everyone else" Farah instructed.

"No, I'm going with you" Elara argued.

"I wasn't asking!" Farah said, worry evident in her voice.

"Nor was I"

"Saul, take her to the courtyard" Farah told Saul, not taking her eyes off Elara.

"No!" Elara exclaimed, getting closer to Farah. "I want to stay with you!" Elara looked like she was five years old again when her mother had to teach for the day. It broke Farah's heart then, and it broke her heart now.

She pulled Elara into a tight hug, stroking her hair like she was a child again.

"You have to go with Saul, I'll meet you there I promise, but I need to know that you're somewhere safe." Farah said, and Elara just hugged her tighter.

"What if you get hurt?" Elara whispered, not wanting to be alone, her mother is the only one she has.

Farah looked at Saul, nodding her head and he came foward, taking Elara into his own embrace to bring her to the courtyard.

"It'll be fine my love" Farah told Elara as she was walked out of the room by Saul.


"Where are they?" Elara asked, wondering where the hell her suite mates were.

Almost as if they heard her, they came bursting into the courtyard, carrying an injured Sam with them.

"Oh my god!" Elara exclaimed. They brought him over to Ben and he started trying to stop the infection from spreading.

"Stella" Elara said, grabbing the blondes arm.

"Elara, are you alright?" Stella asked, looking over Elara.

"I'm fine, are you?" Elara asked.

"Yeah, perfectly fine" Stella said.

Stella's eyes moved her Elara's eyes down to her lips, not really noticing that Elara had done the same. They're faces and bodies were close, very close. Elara could smell Stella's floral perfume, and Stella could smell the sweet citrus of Elara's perfume and lotions.


The two fairies quickly stepped away from one another, and Elara looked to see Musa coming towards her with tears running down her face.

Musa threw her arms around Elara and started sobbing into her shoulder. Elara hugged her back tightly, watching as Stella walked away.

"He'll be alright Musa, I promise" Elara told her as Musa calmed down.

"I hope you're right" Musa croaked. "Thank you El"

Elara watched as Miss made her way back to Sam, who was writhing in pain on the table.

She looked over to see her mother giving a 'speech' of some sort and only managed to catch the end.

"And let's how them what it means to be Alfeans!"

Elara quickly made her way to Farah, pushing through the crowd.


Farah grabbed Elara's face, moving stray hairs out of her daughters face.

"I love you Elara, from the moment I found out I was pregnant I have loved you, so much. Protect yourself, protect your friends. I love you more than anything Elara" Farah said, kissing Elara on the forehead.

"I love you too mum"

The sound of flash shattering and screams made both fairies look up as Elara ran to find Stella.

Before she could get very far, she was cut off by a Burned One running at her and then stopping only a few inches from her face....

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