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I was in the studio with my producer, going over some unreleased songs I had recorded awhile ago.

While bobbing my head to what was being played and smoking weed, just vibing, I couldn't help but to think in about two more months, we'll be celebrating our 1st year anniversary soon.

And in some ways, it feels bittersweet. I still have yet to meet her parents to which I think I will once Jade goes down there for her birthday, but not only am I meeting up with her mother...

I wanted to ask her blessing for a future proposal that's in the works.

I know, this nigga settling down and giving someone my last name. Crazy right?

But I love Jade, and I know that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. And I've never felt this way about any woman...ever.

She's the one for me, I know she is.

And I felt that God and my heart knew that the minute I saw her in that club many months ago.

But marriage? Really Chris? That's something you really want to do? I mean, we already act like a married couple so it shouldn't affect me?...I then shake my head and briefly laugh at my own thoughts.

Damn, we've come so far together though, it doesn't even feel like ten months of us dating. I smiled at the thought of it.

But before making any plans as deep and permanent as marriage is, I gotta make shit square and cut with Mya.

Knowing what she has hung over me could change a lot, I can't let Mya dictate my life and choices any longer.

Fuck that.

I'm going to let Jade know what happened between us and knowing Jade, she may be upset but she'll understand.

But I know if we go any further, I have to let Mya out the picture, it's already bad enough we messed with each other one night and with her still working for me, I don't think Jade would want her around at all knowing that.

Shit C, you should've did this a long time ago nigga.

But I know Jade loves me too much to let what we have go, I don't know what I'll do if she left me...she's literally my everything as has been since we made it official.

I told Jade to come up to the studio, just to show her my musical side more up close and personal. How I connect with songs and how I relate to them on a more spiritual and psychological level.

"These are really good man, but when you have not made a hit?" My producer, Ron compliments.

I chuckle briefly, "Thanks man, but you be the one putting the magic together, we just match each others vibe when it comes to this music shit"

"I respect that, but you the culprit, a beat ain't nothing without the voice" Me and Ron then dapped, "Appreciate you man" I smile.

Ron nods, "It's nothing. As far as everything else is concerned, may need a few touches but, you can listen to them freely and see what changes you want made"

"Thank you man" I nod, humming along to the music, already thinking of some changes. So I began writing the time stamps down of the little nit-picks I wanted revised.

Few seconds later, I hear the door chime as I turned my head to see Jade walking in with some snacks.

"Hey beautiful" I wink, as she blushes while approaching me.

Her shyness is so cute too me, even though we've been together for almost a year, she's still so shy when it comes too me.

I guess that's just her personality.

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