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Cont. from chapter 8


This was more than just a silly dare from Brittany. I could've easily taken the shot and go on with the rest of the shenanigans for tonight.

But my heart is telling me one thing...and it's telling me that I'm ready.

I'm ready to be with Chris, permanently. Not just relationship wise but taking that next step, even if it's risky.

I'm coming down to LA, for this surprise.

"I wanna see your surprise" Chris then gives me his full attention with a big smile on his face.

"When you trying to come through?" Chris looks at me sexily.

"How about...in three days?" I ask, mocking him.

"Funny baby. You sure you ready for this?" Chris asks.

I nod confidently, "I am" My girls were quietly applauding me as I was on the phone. I smiled shyly.

Here goes nothing...

This surprise that Chris says I have in California will make me want to stay, is definitely going to be an interesting change in events if that is indeed true.

"I'll text you the info when I get everything settled baby" I smiled big, "Ok, love you" I said again. It felt good saying those words to him.

He then blew a kiss over the phone, "I love you more" My girls then, 'awed' in the background. Giving me no choice but to show his face and vice versa. 

"Hey cousin!" Asia says jokingly, Chris laughs, "What's up ladies? How y'all doing?"

"Even better when you decide to give me some hits to listen too on my way to the gym" Asia teases, rolling her eyes playfully. Gia then nudges her.

"We're doing great, even better knowing that your keeping Jade smiling on a daily" Gia smiles.

"That's my job- I got too" I shake my head, smiling still feeling the burn if I keep this up.

I then turn the camera back on me, "I'll text you tonight if you're still up"

"Girl I be up 25/8" Chris jokes, "But I'll let you enjoy your ladies night baby"

I giggled, "Ok- bye"

Chris then winks before hanging up the phone.

Asia then stands quickly, coming closer to me, "So...when are we packing your bags?"

I laughed, "Not tonight, I still gotta wait for..." My sentence became interrupted as a knock appeared on my door.

Asia, with a sign of confusion on her face asks, "Gia, what time is it?"

Gia, grabbing her phone says, "About 11:30?"

"Who would be here this late?" Asia then gasps happily, "Is it a stripper?" I then playfully hit her arm.

"No, I wouldn't invite a stripper at a girls only sleepover" I then go up to the door, "Especially not at this..." Interrupting yet again by a face I really didn't expect to see.

Samantha. At my doorstep.

"Time" I finished. So many questions were roaming through my head that I had no idea of what to think, say or even feel.

"Samantha?" I say aloud.

Samantha then smiles faintly, "Yeah...hi"

Asia then comes up to the door, along with Gia and Brittany, "Jade who is....oh hell no! Are you serious?!"

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