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Johnny's Pov
I sat beside Ghost while (Y/n) went up into the cockpit with Price and Gaz. "You alright?" I asked. Ghost looked over at me and scoffed.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He questioned.

"You seem more tense than usual." I pointed out.

"I'm fine Johnny." He muttered, annoyance and frustration clearly lacing his words.

"It's (Y/n)," I guessed. He remained quiet. I guess that was right. "What did she do? I can talk to her." I told him.

"She did nothing." He replied. He looked like he wanted to say something, like something was on his mind.

"What's distracting you?" I questioned.

"Nothing is distracting me," he snapped. "Distractions get you killed. I don't have time or feel the need to have a distraction." He crossed his arms.

"That distraction can help you," I smiled knowing well he was talking about my old friend. "But only if you're open to it." I told him. "So what are you going to do?" I then asked.

"Christ Johnny," he held his forehead in his hands. "What's happening to me? What do I do to get rid of it?" He looked up at me.

"You can't just make it go away." I replied. "Distractions are good, keep you human." I smiled.

"No, they're bad. They can get you or others killed." He shook his head.

"Not this one." I sighed. "Just give this distraction a chance, instead of being such an ass." I snickered. Ghost scoffed and shook his head. We both looked over as a door opened, (Y/n) walking into the room. She sat across from us with a sigh. I looked over at Ghost and his eyes were focused on her. He stared a lot but this look was different. I've never seen it before.

"What?" She questioned.

"Nothing," Ghost replied harshly. I lightly nudged him, making his head snap my way. I raised my eyebrows and he sighed and strapped himself in his seat. (Y/n) and I strapped ourselves in and I looked at her. She was already looking at me as I felt us start to move.

Your pov
You could feel how tense Ghost was and if your were going to be completely honest it was annoying you. He was like a completely different person that morning and now he was acting like he can't stand to be in the same room as you. You looked over at Ghost and you both just stared at each other before you rolled your eyes and laid your head back on the cold interior of the plane. 

He wasn't worth your time you repeated to yourself. You couldn't help but question why you cared even just a little. He clearly doesn't like you right now so why bother even thinking of him?

The plane ride was slow as the silence between the three of you was sickening. Once you landed you were the first to quickly undo your seatbelt and gather your things, strapping your backpack to your back you walked over to the guns, Ghost beating you there. He looked down at you, his eyes condescending as they observed part of your face. 

"Care to give me a gun Lieutenant?" You questioned. Without removing eye contact he picked up a gun and handed it to you. You looked down to see an AK12, surprised to not see a SRR-61. "Incase you forgot, I'm a better sniper than upfront shooting." You reminded him.

"Learn to be good at both." He told you walking away, a gun in his hand. Johnny walked over and handed you a SRR-61. "Thank you," you sighed. "Why's he acting like such a ass?" You questioned.

"Just give him time lass." He told you as he grabbed himself a gun. You slung your sniper rifle on your shoulder as you walked with Johnny. 

"Why? He was perfectly fine this morning and ever since he showed up in the conference room he's been acting weird." You told him.

"And I'm sure there's a good reason." He replied. You squint your eyes at him and stopped walking, making him stop with a groan.

"I hate when you do that," he whined.

"You know something," you noticed how his eyebrows slightly jumped. 

"I don't know what you're talking about lass." He lied.

"Bullshit, what do you know?" You questioned.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"John Mactavish, if you don't stop lying to me I swear I'm going to beat the living hell out of you." You threatened.

"Just like old times," he sighed with a smile. You rolled your eyes as you groaned in annoyance. "Fine, there's something. But Ghost is my friend and I don't think it's my place to say anything." He told you. "Just know that he doesn't hate you and you just need to give him time." He added. 

"Okay," you replied.

"That's it?" He looked at you questionably. You nodded as you walked outside.

"Finally, you two get your asses in the truck." Ghost snapped as he got in the driver's seat of a military truck. You looked at Johnny with raised eyebrows.

"Calm," he pat your shoulder as he started for the truck. 

"This is gonna suck," you muttered as you followed. You hopped into the backseat and Johnny got into the passenger seat. "What about Price and Gaz?" You questioned.

"They're hanging back, we have orders to sneak into the cartel's facility." Ghost told you harshly. You never knew how aggressively british he was, it almost made you laugh as you realized it. You watched as you three started for your next destination.

"What's this place look like?" Johnny asked Ghost.

"It's a warehouse in the outskirts of a nearby city. Should be crawling with cartel members." He replied.

"What's the formation?" You asked.

"Johnny will go take the roof. You are with me, I can't have you screwing things up first time around." He told you. 

"Fuck that, I can take the roof, I'm very capable of doing things on my own!" You snapped.

"I gave you orders. I am your superior and you will do as you're told!" He snapped back. You looked at Johnny and quickly noticed the uncomfortable look on his face. 

"Sorry Johnny," you sighed.

"It's fine," he replied. "I'll take the roof. You two need to learn how to get along." He told us. I sighed and looked out of the window as we continued to drive.

A/n: Updates might be a little slow because of school 

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