This is a goofy litol request by @nephicool
Pablo POV:
It was a sily summer day and Pablo was eating frozen beans, he favorite food. He devoured 5 cans of baens before going inside to take shart. It was only then he realized.. the bathroom had been destroyed by the scp foundation because he was hiding scp 696969696969696969696969, the prostate stealing street lamp in there (he thought it was a dog 😋😋). He gasped and cried and ran up the stairs to see if the other bathroom worked, but his baba gril had absolutely destroyed the toilet after trying some of his beans one night...... what he do!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!??!!?!???!!?!!!?!!!?! 😮😮😮Y/N POV:
Y/Ns shart senses were tinkling, pablo has 2 shart!!!! they thunked. U run over to see him sharting on the carpet 😱😱 so u say hey don't do that!! And he start having mental break down and shart progectilely onto ur toes. U were so flusterered that u forgave hem right away 🤭🤭 so then u clean up he shart and u kiss. 😫😫wow this took 79396383 hours to write pls like it.........