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Brigid laughed at the man who was talking to her, his story making her cheeks ache because she was smiling so much. He was one of the only males who had come up to talk to her, politely making his way into the small group of women who were chatting. She found it admirable. Not many men would so easily insert themselves into a group of women unless they were extremely arrogant. Or genuinely polite.
"And you, beautiful one, where is your home? I don't recall ever seeing you before." He took her hand in his, vibrant eyes poring into hers.
"She's a friend from the East, Liam." Fallon appeared at her side, a firm but gentle hand pressing into her lower back. "I see you've charmed your way into the group of finest ladies here."
Winking, Liam dropped her hand and clapped Fallon on the shoulder.
"Beautiful friend, she is. Lucky, lucky," he grinned back at Brigid and she felt her cheeks warm at the implication. "I'll be near your court in a few moon's time, yes?"
Her court?
Fallon nodded and Liam disappeared back into the crowd, leaving her in an awkward spot with the woman who had a wry smirk on her lips. Elbowing her with a sharp elbow, she glared.
"You can stop smiling. Does it satisfy you to know that the majority of people that I have met with you think that I am someone who warms your bed?"
Ice blue eyes traveled down her body and yet again made warmth spread through her.
Damn her.
"We can be going now," She let her eyes linger once more. "My lady."
Fallon offered her arm and Brigid slipped her hand into the crook of her elbow. Fallon steered them smoothly out of the crowd and the atmosphere instantly quieted as they came out the way they entered. Their footsteps echoed in sync and Brigid's heartbeats started to thunder in her chest at the sight of the wide doors that would lead them out of this... this palace.
So many questions swirled around in her head. Some of which that would most likely seem utterly silly to Fallon. She had so much to tell...
Her heart ached and she jerked her arm from Fallon's arm and tucked them against her chest. With a raised eyebrow, Fallon regarded the look on her face with a stern look before it immediately softened as she seen the pain glinting behind those eyes.
"I know that we're here tonight for me and my people but I promise-"
"She could be dead."
Even the words seemed to hold weight like a stone as they fell between the two like a brick wall.
"She's not."
"How do you know?" Brigid snapped.
"You don't." She spat, anger rising in her chest and coloring her face. "At first light we leave. If we are not there within 2 day's ride, I will be leaving you. I have to find my sister. My brother could be home and he has no idea what has happened. And Fiona... she... she could be dead. I have to find her. With or without you."
Brigid's eyes raked her up and down before she proceeded ahead, her steps as clipped as her tone. She couldn't let her sister be lost. Or worse. She forced down the guilt of knowing Kellan had most likely received word of what had become of their city and had returned, finding home empty and more than likely ransacked. And she was out here playing whatever role deemed necessary by some.... Female.
Whatever she was.
Whatever beautiful species she was.
Her feelings clashed and she felt them fight for dominance.
She had never felt so... allured by someone before. Fallon had appeared out of nowhere. She had went with her without much of a fight.
Because of Fiona.
Because she trusted her when she said that there would be help in finding her. That she would be found.
And maybe that wasn't the smartest idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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