Embarrassing Reunions

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Wendell's POV

"Kat, hurry up!" I yelled upstairs to our Hell Maiden. "The bus is here."

It had almost been a solid six months since the whole "Raising the Dead" and the town nearly getting destroyed by the Klaxons thing. When Wild and I finally got some help from our older siblings with working on the Dream Faire we started living in the Land of the Living and taking care of our Hell Maiden. Yeah, she was more than capable of taking care of herself, but after we promised that her parents would be in good hands in the afterlife, we kind of owed it to ourselves to make sure Kat had someone there for her. No matter how much she claims she doesn't really need us.

Kat came running downstairs in a hurry to catch the bus, wearing her punked-out school uniform and everything.

"Got your homework?" I asked her.

"For the fifth time, yes." she answered as she put on her coat.

"And you're sure you wanna sleep over at the school this weekend?" Wild asked her as he gave her a piece of toast for a quick breakfast.

"I got a math test this Monday," she said as she scarfed down her food. "And no offense, but I don't want you two distracting me."

I scoffed. "When have we ever done that?"

Kat responded with a raised brow.

Yeah, I realized that wasn't the best thing to ask her. "Ok, don't answer that."

"I gotta go." Kat said as she grabbed her backpack and ran out to the bus.

"Text us when you get there!" I told her.

Wild and I watched as she got onto the bus and watched it drive up to her school up on the hill. We would've followed after her, but even we know that it's pushing her boundaries. Wild and I are clingy to our Hell Maiden, but we're not that clingy. Besides, we've been taking care of her for six months now, and we know from experience that if she wants her space, we give her space. Believe me, Wild and I learned our lesson the last time we insisted on going with Kat to her school.

"Think we're smothering her too much?" Wild asked me.

"Little bit." I said as I went back to the kitchen.

Wild gave a sigh as he followed me. "Geez, this whole legal guardian biz is hard."

"Especially since we've got so much to work with." I added as I sat down. "Especially with the Dream Faire."

"How far along are we with it again?" he asked as he pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Let's see." I said as I got out a clipboard with all the essentials left for our Faire. "Repair some rotted wood beams on the coaster, get some new chains for the swings, paint... everything, pitch the Faire to the afterlife upstairs."

"What about test rides?" Wild asked.

"Yeah, definitely those." I agreed before coming up with an estimated guess about the Faire. "I'd say we've got about three, maybe four more months before everything's up and running. And that's if the fellas upstairs agree to it."

"Works for me." Wild said as he got up and started walking around.

"Meanwhile, us and the others gotta do our part and get it up and running." I said as I put the clipboard on the table.

Wild gave a grin at that thought. "I think I know how to help out with that."

"Yes, Wild?" I asked.

"You said we needed new chain for the swing ride, right?" he asked.

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