Telling him

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You froze as you heard the keys land on the table in the kitchen you quickly hid the test in the cabinet under the sink. And then he walked in the bathroom. "Hey babe" he said kissing your head "what are you doing in here?" He asked "um.. N nothing" you stuttered "you ok?" He asked worry clear in his voice. "Yeah fine" you said "hey can you go to the living room and I will meet you there?" You asked him "yeah sure" he said unsure. after he left the room you quickly grabbed the test from the cupboard and shoved  in your pants pocket and ran to the living room. You saw Cal sitting on the sofa watching TV so you sat next to him "you going to tell me whats wrong?" He asked, you nodded your head yes. "Well?" He pressed, you took the test out of your pocket and handed it to him. "Are you?..." He asked before You cut him off with a sob/laugh. He got up and pulled you up with him and he spun you around "oh my God Y/n we're going to be parents!" He yelled still spinning you around "Calum put me down!" you laughed "sorry!" He said putting you down and getting down on his knees and lifted up your shirt and kissed your flat stomach "I love you so much Y/n" he sniffled and you just smiled and put your hand on top of his.

Ashton shouldn't be getting home for about another hour, so you went on your laptop and looked up creative was of surprising someone with pregnancy. After a while you found a good idea. You ran upstairs and grabbed the pregnancy test and put it in his pillow case.

:one hour later:

You where laying on the couch watching your favorite tv show when you heard the front door opening and a bag hitting the ground. He walked into the living room and plopped himself down next to you on the couch "Hey" he said giving you a sweet kiss on the lips "Hey babe. How was your day?" You ask trying not to scream in over how exited you were. "My day was great!" He says telling you about how at the recording studio Calum tripped over one of the stands and his head went through one of Ash's drums. You were listening but you you started to zone out thinking. "Hey you ok?" Ash asks "Yeah! Just tired" you state wile he just smiles at you "Let's go to bed then, he says standing up and offering his hand to you. You took it and walked up the stairs hand in hand with him. You got to your room and you went into the bathroom to get ready for bed when you hear your name being called "Y/N?" Ashton calls "Yeah?" You reply brushing your hair, "What's this?" He said walking into the bathroom with the test. " I think you know what it is" you grin at him. "Oh my God I love you!" He said walking over to you and picking you up bridle style and kissing you on the lips "I love you too" you say as he carries you to bed


Luke was at Michael's house so you had some time to think about how to tell him. You debated calling your mother to ask her what to do, but you wanted Luke to be the first one to know. You finally decided that you were going to get Luke's guitar case and put it on the bed and put the pregnancy test inside it. After You did that You went downstairs to make dinner.
About an hour later you got a text from Luke
"Hey Bebe, I'll be home in about 30 minutes. Love you" you sent back in reply
"Ok. Love you too"
You decided to go and sit on the couch for a wile. You had started watching The Nanny when you fell asleep.

Luke's POV:

I walked into mine and Y/N's house to hear the tv on so I walked into the living room to see Y/N passed out on the couch. I chuckled at the sight of her sleeping on the couch. I didn't want to wake her but I crouched down and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open softly and looked up at me and smiled this beautiful smile. "Hey" she said groggily "Hey love" I said to her "Dinners ready" Y/N said getting off of the couch "Oh ok, I'm just going to go and change before we eat. I tell her "Ok" she says with a grin plastered on her face. I walk into the bedroom and kick off my shoes and put on some sweat pants on and a t shirt. I look over to see my guitar case sitting on our bed. Odd. I walk over and pick it up but it is too light. So I open it and inside is a white stick with two lines on it. Oh my god! "She's pregnant" I whisper to myself thinking nobody could hear me "Yeah we are" Y/N says from behind me. I turn around with the biggest smile on my face. "Are you serious?!" I ask her in disbelief. "Yes. Your going to be a daddy!" She says "holy shit!" I scream running over to her and attacking her with kisses "I love you so much Mrs Hemmings" I say "and I love you Mr Hemmings."


You had been planning for a week on how to tell Michael. You decided the you wanted to tell him and the whole family at the same time. It was near Christmas so you decided to do it over dinner with the family.

*****Christmas Eve*****

You were sitting down at the dinner table with yours and Michael's family and everyone was having a great time and you decided that now was the time. You stood up ( you wore a tight fitted dress that showed off your little bump) "So uhh.. I have an announcement to make" you stumbled on words. This seemed to much Easter in your head. "I just want to say that I'm glad everyone could make it and that I. we, have some amazing news" you said motioning to Michael. "There is going to be another Clifford in the family soon" you said and the entire table went silent. You look over at Michael who's chin is touching the floor, and all you saw was pure happiness. He stood up and hugged you as tight as he possibly could have "I love you so much" Michael says "I love you too but your suffocating me" you laugh and he lets go "sorry" he says looking down at your stomach "we're going to be a real family now" he said in awe. "Yeah" you say "we are"

Thank you so much for being patient with me. I have been having some emotional problems and I'm just getting back on track. So on a happier note, who is excited about SLFL?! I can't freaking wait! So I feel like I need to tell you guys about myself.
1. I live in Louisiana USA
2. I have 5 cats and one dog
3. I had a sister that passed away
4. I love 5sos (duh)
5. I'm emo af
6. Um. Today is my birthday (feb 15th)
7. I'm a loner
8. I love pizza
9. I'm Catholic
10. I'm pro life
11. I'm 15
12. I have two brothers and two sisters
13. My full name is Clair Aileen McAlister
14. I just put a lot of trust in you guys
15. And I love all of you

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