Chapter 9: Traitor

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When I woke up, Vox was long gone. Beside me on the nightstand was a small note. I picked it up, it was from Vox.

"Thanks for letting me sleep with you last night. I know from today on, your job will be tough, and seeing me will possibly make it harder and more painful for you so I left without saying good morning. I'm sorry, but when your job is accomplished, we'll spend as much time as you want together to make it up for your hard work you did for the kingdom. Wish you luck and much love, Vox"

I smiled at his neat handwriting. Seeing his words felt as if I saw him in person, and it made me longing to see him already. As badly as I want to, I know I can't. I have an important job after all, and I can't fail them. Especially not to her majesty.

I left to ready myself for the day. Judging the direction of the sun, I calculated that it must be near lunch. To avoid running into the others, I decided to get a quick brunch in town. However, what happened next was beyond my imagination. No, more like an astonishment.

I sat down with my sandwich at a nearby shop. Just as I was about to take a bite, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was annoyed and turned my head around to see who it was that interrupted my brunch time until my mouth almost unhinged from my chin.

The person was none other than my uncle Bert, the very relative that was planning to betray the kingdom. I was just wondering how to approach him this morning, who would've thought the fish decided to bite the hook himself?

"Berwick!" He boomed as he slapped my back so hard that my sandwich nearly flew out of my hands. "What a surprise to see you here! How was life as the Templar? Did you enjoy it?"

I glared at him. I should've expected him to be the one who plotted treason. As long as I remember, he had always been leaching off of my family, whether it's money, food, or a place to live. Of course, mother tolerated it and allowed him to be like this. He was someone who would please and even to the point of bribery if it means that he will be the one benefited from it. Though this time, I suspected it to be something darker, which was my job to find out and shatter them of their plans. Taking a deep breath, I forced a smile. "Ah, long time no see uncle Bert. Life as a Templar was hard." I lied. "They don't really like me there and I often don't feel like I'm a part of them....."

That, of course, is not true in the slightest. I do enjoy being around the others, but in order to find out what the enemy is up to, it's best to disguise to better blend with them. Besides, it's why I'm acting like a double agent after all. However, the downside of it is that I'll have to be careful not to leak anything her majesty is planning, and in the same time reporting back to her anything I noticed to be strange.

"Ah, so it sounds like you don't enjoy being around them. " He shook his head, sympathy displayed all over his face. But I know it all toi well to be an act. True to my prediction, he then leaned in close, his fowl breath blew me in the face. " Then how about this?" He said, a dark smile appeared at the corner of his lips. " Join me in rebelling against the Queen, and I'll let my boss know that you're my nephew, who's the most powerful fire mage in all of Granadia, to give you the glory you deserve after years of being looked down by demons. How does that sound? "

His voice was dipped in venom, every single word coming out of his mouth made my skin crawl. However, I had to fake my enthusiasm so he doesn't notice anything.

"Sure!" I smiled naively. "What benefits would I get?"

"You'll see. After dusk, meet me here and I'll take you to see the boss. "

With that, he put a piece of paper in my hand before strolling away. I wanted to stop him but something made me look at the map. To which I did and I almost gasped out loud.

That was the place where they sealed the ancient demon that had once caused chaos in the land. Was my uncle's boss planning on awakening the terror that once plaged the land? This is a new that must be reported to the Queen at once. I put the piece of paper in my pocket and walked in the direction of the castle, my sandwich long forgotten as it sat behind on the table, untouched.


"What!?" Queen Juno slapped the table and stood up. "Is it really true?"

I nodded, eyebrows knitted together in anxiousness. "My uncle told me to meet him there after dusk and I won't know anything until they fill me in with whatever they're planning on. "

The Queen's expression was solemn. " Then make sure you take every word in. Use spells if you must, but don't miss anything. We need all the information we can in order to come up with a plan to counter them. "

I nodded. The Queen sat back down and pinched the bridge of her nose. " Thank you for the update Berwick. You may now go, but make sure no one sees you. And please make sure you're not followed by anyone suspicious. This is a top-secret mission and I cannot manage to have you being spotted with us, understood?"

I nodded and took a bow before leaving the meeting room. My thought was a mess and I was extremely nervous. All of a sudden I didn't know if being a double agent is a good idea, but since I already promised the Queen to do this to the best of my ability, then I will give it all I have. Besides, Vox is waiting for me. I can't give up now.

I straightened my back a little. Yeah, I guess time to be a little serious.


Author's Note

Sorry for the very late update! I just found this account and I'm so thankful that I'm able to come back and continue this story 😭 a lot has happened and let me just say I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it too and I'll see you in next chapter!

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