My Branching thoughts-Visions

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I may be far off from a person who has all the clear and attainable goals, but I know I have a vision which could lead me to something wonderful my own life can be into. I meant 'vision' as something you imagine to achieve or to happen. Well that's in my own perspective, and not what the dictionary says or what other persons create.

There may be the most indolent being in the world or the most detached from reality yet I believe they too still have their own visions. Now, not all visions may be good, others might be of distractions, sufferings, or death-in a clairvoyant mind (I guess?) and in some people.
But, how about a hopeful one?
Who says you can never attain it if obstacles are already destined to you, or if you're born incapable already?- In my pessimistic side I suppose I can say that to infinity.
But in my shifting of thoughts which none, some, most or even all the people and the worlds' uncovering had influenced me in the upbringing of my beautiful mystery, whether it may be in good or bad situation. Or I may be aware or unaware of.

Someone's vision might be of similar to another, but in a deeper sense of your being will never be the same as anyone or anything.
Perspectives-Perception-Visions; It might be of related to. Wishing a world with people who have all the hopeful visions of the peace in humanity might be a good vision as well. But no one can ever command the mind of a person to have such thoughts, even for a time, in any way, it'll rebel back into its own system. Because that is, that is the uniqueness each person has. There might be the nagging commander, unknowingly tells a person what to do, or a person somewhat like Hitler, but in any way as the world revolves, will come into its own piece away or into someone or something that'll unfold into its own. As the time passes, recycles, or just remains, beyond the box of Logic, we can delve into a seamless world of a vision our own.

Every person sets aside or reconnects their point of views when interacting with people around them, and with the world around us. But in the other hand, it will never happen constantly, as the time moves in obscurity, with the uniqueness of each person's mind will sail them into their own views, their own visions.

Ever been in a great Confusion? Doubt? A mutiny of our minds which may be the result of anger, pain, sadness, sorrow or joy. It will still lead to such. Setting aside what society taught us, what we've been evolved, what our surroundings taught us, will still lead to such. Our own visions, which may be deemed deviant of anothers, but still somewhat connected. Connected to them-Yes. But mostly, our thoughts reflect our own.

Our own words reflect our own self. And at the end of the day, the world may care or not at all. There's a huge space set before us, and that is for us to reflect in our own. Writing this, didn't make me think of different creature neither a similar one, I write to set my heart free of bugging thoughts, of words who passionately wanted to escape. People may comment their own views, or might not care at all. I wouldn't care anyway.

At the end of the day, we may as well be the reflectors of our own selves, and at the end of the day, it's between us and God anyway.


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