The beginning of everything

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LoveHeart 3rd POV
LoveHeart woke up to the sound on something falling onto the ground. When she looks over the side of her massive bed she sees a strange book with a black cover, a white eye simble, and words in a language that she doesn't understand.

As LoveHeart reached to grab the strange book the book suddenly vanished into thin air.

It took LoveHeart a few moments to calm down but when she did she saw that today she had a nearing with Ellie.

'Great I have to wear my LEAST favorite outfit' LoveHeart thought bitterly to herself but it was a gift from Ellie and LoveHeart didn't want to get yelled at.

Like it's normal for your friends to yell at you if you don't do what you want... right? RIGHT???

LoveHeart walked into a giant walk in closet and walked straight to her LEAST favorite outfit.

The outfit had a pink and white dress that shows the upper part of her torso and has sleeves that only cover form a bit over a elbows and and goes to her wrist, the dress also has a white and red belt and the dress is some kind of metal surrounded with cloth. The outfit also had a white and red choker necklace that had a pink and white ribbon. There where also white shoes with rose pink bows and white socks. There where 2 itchy bows made to go around LoveHearts ears  and the dress came with 2 fake removable wings that were made to show where the wings would come out for wing-users like LoveHeart.

After LoveHeart put the outfit on she saw her friend Sasha.

"Hay Sasha!" LoveHeart called to her maid friend.

"Hello there LoveHeart" Sasha called back walking towards LoveHeart "I thought that you would be looking for this because... well" Sasha said nervously gesturing towards LoveHearts outfit.

"Ya I know but I have a meeting with Ellie and I don't want to get yelled at" LoveHeart nervously said.

"No offense LoveHeart but you need to get rid of Ellie and make some better friends".

"But it is so hard to make friends-" LoveHeart tried to say.

"Bla bla bla listen LoveHeart you are a worrier and Ellie is just a-" Sacha said starting to rant.

"Ellie is an Empress and I am just a Queen" LoveHeart said.

"But you could start a revolution~" Sasha wistfully said.

"What is up with you and revolution?" LoveHeart asked confused.

"What's up with you and fire" Sasha shot back.

"Good point" LoveHeart said laughing.


LoveHeart opened the door leading outside and smiled as the smell of nature hit her nose.

Suddenly a window above her opened and something black came out of the window. When LoveHeart grabbed the black thing and recognized it as her black sweater and her smile grew larger as she put it on.

'Thank you Sacha you are an absolute lifesaver' LoveHeart happy thought.

As LoveHeart walked towards the meeting building she looked at the forest and for a moment everything turned black and she saw a
Strange figure looking at her.

The figure was outlined in white and it was wearing a comfortable looking sweatshirt and in one of its eyes was a planet but when LoveHeart blinked....

It was gone and everything was back to normal.
LoveHeart took off her sweater and hid it before flying the rest on the way to the meeting.

But what LoveHeart didn't know was that this was the beginning

The beginning of everything


Hello I hope that you in joyed this and I will try to update regularly but knowing me that will be next to impossible.

624 words

I will see you next time on The Dimension byeeeeeee

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