My "friend"

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Ellie 3rd POV

Ellie was vary excited for today. Ellie had a meeting with the other rulers today. It was supposed to be another boring meeting but Ellie had a plan to make things a bit more interesting.

Ellie made gifts for each of the rulers.

A red heart sweater for LoveHeart.

A cyan raindrop bracelet for BrokenHeart.

A silver gray moonstone necklace for Nova.

A yellow and orange sunstone necklace for Solar.

A cool hat for Aro.

A golden globe staff / walking stick for Gia.

Ellie had just finished putting the gifts into boxes when she herd the door slam open.

Ellie looked behind her and saw a familiar pair of red eyes.

"Ellie we need to talk" BrokenHeart said menacingly


I am sorry for the cliffhanger and the short chapter

I'm experiencing some writers block and I am getting distracted by schoolwork

I will see you when I update this book again bye

157 Words

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