The most normal meeting part 1

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103 reads! I did not expect to get this far.

LoveHeart 3rd pov

When LoveHeart Arrived at the meeting she saw that Ellie and BrokenHeart were already there and Ellie had an expression on her face like she was contemplating life.

"Hey LoveHeart!" BrokenHeart said in a happy tone of voice.

"Hi BrokenHeart." LoveHeart said in a slightly less enthusiastic tone of voice.

"Why are you wearing that?" BrokenHeart asked.

"Because if I don't Ellie will get upset." LoveHeart answered in a voice slightly sadder

"Girl you should be free to do what you want and be who you want to be!" BrokenHeart sternly said.

"Ya, I guess so." LoveHeart replied with a quiet voice.

As the conversation drew to a close, LoveHeart Looked at her hands as she let her mind wander. Her mind was telling her stories of the past, present and future and even alternate worlds where she didn't have to be afraid and she didn't have to hide, worlds where she was free to truly be herself. And maybe these worlds could soon become a reality. But this fantasy was soon broken when she heard Ellie announce the start of the meeting.

"Now let us begin the meeting" Ellie said in her empress voice.

"HAHA- lettuce" Aro said with a cloudy expression

"Aro this is not the time for your buffoonery!!" Ellie said with her eyes starting to glow dangerously.

"PFFT- HAHAHAHAHAHA" Aro Laughed at the word buffoonery.

"ALRIGHT let's just calm down and start the meeting" LoveHeart quickly ordered as she noticed a dangerous ora emanating from Ellie with the words 'OH NO' bouncing  around in her head.

"Well to make up for last time I have some gifts for everyone" Ellie quickly said to try to change the subject.

"OOOOO~ GIMMIE MY GIFT!!!" Aro yelled excitedly, doing grabby hands. *Grabby hand sounds ensues and intensifies*

'Sometimes I forget that the only reason Aro is a king is because he was the only heir that is of age left in his bloodline.' LoveHeart thought to herself

"Well here are all of your gifts" Ellie said, giving everyone color coded gifts

"YAY GIMMY!" Aro yelled excitedly as his gift was placed in front of him

When LoveHeart opened up her gift she couldn't help but smile at the sweater. The of the sweater outside was a pinkish red color with dark reddish gray hearts the inside of the sweater had a dark redlining and the sweater itself was very fluffy

"I LOVE IT!!!!" Aro yelled excitedly at his new hat. In LoveHeart's opinion the hat that Aro got was very childish

"Now that that is settled we can officially start the meeting" Ellie said in a queenly voice "Now Gia and Aro I have noticed some... tension between your kingdoms, would you two mind explaining what that is for?"

"Well a new deposit of gold and a strange black liquid was discovered in some disputed territory between Aro's kingdom and my Kingdom" Gia said, somehow explaining this without claiming the substances.

"Ya what Gia said but I ran some tests of the strange liquid and discovered that it is very flammable and it does not mix with water so you could technically set water on fire using it" Aro said clearly not releasing the potential of the mystery liquid.


I had to cut the chapter shorter then I would have liked because I lack motivation.
Also iamcerealreal I promise that I will put your character into the story soon.

585 words

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