Rick Grimes - the welcome party

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Word count: 811
Season 6

You and your people had arrived to a place called Alexandria not to long ago. It was peaceful. No horror filled faces. No walkers filling the street. No blood scattered across the walls. Just peace.

You were in the bathroom of the house you've been given, getting ready for this 'welcoming party' the people of Alexandria had set up. You didn't really want to go. You didn't trust anyone here, it all just seemed too good to be true. You went for one reason and one reason only; Rick Grimes.

He had led you and your group through everything. He was strong and caring and incredibly handsome. He wanted this place to work out. For Judith. And for Carl. And so did you.

You wore a simple black dress with long sleeves and a v-neck that was a bit too deep for your liking. You looked in the mirror for a while, looking at someone you hadn't seen for a long time. A clean woman. And a rather pretty one too. Because God was it nice to have a shower again and not smell like rot and blood.


You made your way to the party, the music loud enough to hear from outside the house. When you stepped inside you were immediately greeted by a smiling Deanna.

"Y/N! Hello, you look amazing! I knew there was a pretty face behind all that dirt." She smiled politely.

"Oh, thank you Deanna, that's very nice of you." You said, cursing yourself for letting your unsureness sound through your voice.

"It's okay to be nervous you know. I'll get you something do drink." She laughed. You stood there for a while, trying to remember how to act around others like this. Luckily you caught the sight of Glenn in the room beside.

"Hey there." You smiled to the Korean boy.

"Hey- wow! Look at you!" He laughed.

"Speak for yourself handsome! And I think I'm not the only one who noticed how good you look." You nodded to a woman staring at Glenn with literal heart eyes. Glenn's eyes widened before looking back at you.

"I'm gonna go find Maggie. " he said before running to his wife. You smiled shaking your head.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice said behind you. You turned around to a freshly cleaned up Rick. He had shaved his beard, definitely had a shower and wore a white shirt that made him look even better than normal.

"Rick? Wow, I barely recognised you without that bush on your face." You laughed. He smiled and looked you up and down, making you nervous.

"You don't look to bad yourself. " he said with a smile.

Deanna found you and gave you a glass of champagne before going back to the other guests again. You and Rick talked for what felt like hours. You often found yourself staring at the handsome man a bit too often, for a bit too long.

"I think I'm gonna head back to my house. Enough people and champagne for one night for me." You said making your way to the door.

"I'll walk with you."

"It's okay, really. I'll be fine" you smiled.

"But I want to." He replied. You looked at him and smiled softly before nodding.



It was chilly outside. In a nice way. The soft breeze blowing your hair as you walked. You and Rick walked in silence. Not an awkward one, but a nice and comfortable one. You reached your house and stepped up to the porch.

"Thank you, Rick." You said looking at the man.

"Don't mention it. " he smiled.

"No, I mean it. Thank you, for everything. For keeping us alive, for being who you are." You said in a low voice, folding your arms over your chest to protect you from the cold.

"We would be here without you Rick. I know I wouldn't."

He walked forward and stood in front of you, looking into your eyes.

"And I know I wouldn't be here without you." He almost whispered, laying a hand on your neck and pulled you closer to him. You were so close you could feel the heat of his body. You looked at his lips and back up to his eyes before you both leaned in, letting your lips touch.

His hand slid down to your waist, and your arms hang loosely around his neck. You kissed until you had to pull apart to take a breath. You looked at each other for a while before you spoke.

"Good night, Rick." You whispered. You kissed his cheek and turned around to walk inside, but a hand gripped your arm stopping you. He took your hand in his as he opened the door for you and led you inside. A smirk tugging at his lips when you closed the door behind you.

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