Chapter 7

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My mind starts to race with a million thoughts. Should I kiss him? Should I back away? I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I also don't want to make him feel awkward and insecure because I didn't want to kiss him. I don't know what to do. He may not even kiss me maybe it was just my imagination that he looked at my lips. Maybe he just got shy and looked down. I start to ease up at that thought until his hand touches my cheek. His thumb moves slowly seducing me. We look deep into each others eyes, and I want to kiss him now to. He looks back down to my lips then into my eyes once more until gently placing his lips onto mine. The kiss is so perfect. It's slow and gentle. I never knew that Brayden would be such a good kisser. I almost start to think about what will happen next or what should I do, but the kiss is so perfect that, that's all I want to focus on. So therefore all I focus on is the amazing feeling of his lips pressed gently against mine.

We pull away and it's luckily not awkward like what I thought it would be. His hand moves down from my cheek to my hand and he holds it. We both just smile at eachother a little bit and I have the sudden urge to just cuddle up next to him, but I don't.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks me a bit nervously.

"Yeah." I say with a smile then wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss. He then wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me back. I feel him smile as we kiss and I can't help but to smile to. I guess I never knew that I had such strong feelings for Brayden. The kiss is more intense then the first, but still just as perfect. He pulls away and has this big smile on his face.

"I can't believe that you'll actually be my girlfriend. I thought for sure you would say no. I mean you're just so amazing, and then there's me." He says looking down.

"Please, I'm not amazing." I say with a little laugh.

"Yeah you are, you're gorgeous, smart, nice, generous, caring I mean the list could go on forever. You're perfect." He says looking into my eyes.

I'm completely speechless. No one has ever told me that before in my entire lifetime. I look into his eyes and he looks like he really meant what he said. The twinkle in his eye that I love so much looks brighter now. He is so attractive. I've never had a boyfriend like him before. I just hope it lasts longer then all of my other relationships. They only lasted for like maybe a week. Well I take that back. one for them lasted for almost a month. Yes I'll admit it was me that broke up with them but what can I say they just weren't good enough for me though. They were all ugly as fuck, mean, had no chivalry, were stupid, and always seemed to get in trouble. Brayden is so not like that though. He's sweet, caring, he treats he right and he is really cute. The way his blue eyes sparkle and how his dirty blonde hair flows to the side. He is so cute. I start to hear footsteps go up the stairs. I then hear a soft knock.

"Come in." Brayden responds.

His mother opens the door "Alyssa, your mom is waiting down stairs." She says with a smile. Her blue eyes sparkling and her dimple showing. Brayden looks a lot like his mother. The same eyes, same dimple and same friendly personality. He does have a few features of his dad though. He has his dad's hair and a few facial features of his dad. His dad is more closed off though. He doesn't talk much at all.

"Okay I'll be there in a minute." I respond with a smile.

She nods and smiles back then walks back own the sairs.

I then turn my head and look at Brayden who seems sad that I'm leaving. "I'll see you tomorrow" I say then give him a small kiss on the lips for the third time today. Yeah It may be a little forward, but what can I say he's a good kisser. He instantly puts his hand on my head when I kiss him so I won't pull away making the kiss longer then expected. I pull away and he gives me a little smirk. We both stand up and he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He holds me tightly and the hug is so perfect. When we pull away he doesn't move his arms. Instead he pulls me in for another quick kiss.

"I just had to give you one last kiss goodbye." He says.

I smile at him, "It's okay if you didn't kiss me I would've kissed you."

"I want to hold your hand down the stairs, but I don't want our parents to get upset or anything." He says.

"Yeah I understand." I respond. My mom would flip if she saw me and Brayden holding hands.

"But tomorrow at school for sure." He says with a flirtatious wink.

I smile at that. No guy has ever wanted to hold my hand at school. "You sure it won't embarrass you or anything?" I ask not wanting his friends to make fun of him or something.

"Oh, yeah I'm gonna be so embarrassed to hold the prettiest girl's in school's hand." He says sarcastically.

I smile at that. "I'm not the prettiest girl in school. Not even close." I say.

"Yeah you are. You're goregeous on the inside and out. If anything it would be you that would be embarrassed." He says.

"I'm not going to be embarrassed, and I guess you're right. I mean after all there are some ugly people at our school." I say with a laugh.

"That's not what I meant." He says.

"I know I'm just messing with you." I say.


I go home and immediately call Katherine.

"Heyyy." She says.

I could say hey backand ease her into the story of what happened, but intead I just go out and say it. "Brayden and I are dating." I say.

"What! When did this happen? How did this happen? You have a lot of explaining to do so you better start talking now." She says with confusion and a hint of excitement.

I tell her the whole story and we talk some more about it. She seems really happy for me, but also a bit upset because she's still single. I always reassure her though with things like "that's because no one is good enough for you" or "You just haven't found the right guy yet." We continue to talk for about 1/2 an hour until my mom tells me to get ready for bed.

I lay in bed thinking about me and Brayden. I start to wonder how long it will be until people start to find out. It will probably only take maybe a day or two. That's one thing I hate so much about school. It takes only like two days for people to find out that you're dating someone, but a lifetime to figure out that you broke up. Like no joke when people start findng out they'll probably say "But isn't she still dating Kyle?" Even though we broke up in the middle of my freshman year. It's sad though, because we didn't even date for a month. I guess everyone probably thinks I'm a hoe because of that. I really don't care though. I'm really not though because I've only kissed to people, Kyle and now Brayden. I guess people will think what they want to think. My mind drifts to a thousand different things until I finally fall asleep.

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