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As my drowsy eyes slowly opened, I looked around to take in my surroundings. Why don't I remember anything...

I immediately notice I am in a unfamiliar dimly lit room. I shudder as I feel a draft of air. It's cold in here. At the far corner of the room there are a few rickety steps leading to a worn down door. I must be in some sort of basement. I tried to push myself up off the ground, but my attempt was to no avail, as I realized my hands as well as my feet are bound together in rope. Adrenaline rushes through my body as I fully realize the situation I'm in. That's why I don't remember anything and I'm tied up, I've been kidnapped!

I bite my tongue as I hear the door to the room creak open. I turn my head to the source and see a man step inside the room who then quietly closes the door behind him.

While he closes the door I take in his appearance in case it could help me escape. He has messy brown hair that seems to have a mind of its own, going about every direction. His messy hair perfectly frames his pale face, which contains creamy brown eyes and a black mask with grey lines concealing his mouth. Atop his messy locks he has orange goggles lazily resting there. He wears a light brown hoodie with striped sleeves and a blue hood, as well as some black denim jeans and combat boots.

The adrenaline rushing through my body grows as I stare in horror at his two belt holsters that securely hold two hatchets. One is more dull and the other is obviously newer. What terrifies me the most is that they are both stained with dried blood.

I stare at him speechless, terrified of what the future has in store for me. When he walks into the light his eyes seem to light up when he sees mine are now open.
"I s-see you're finally awake. Tsk, t-took you long enough."

He then begins gingerly walking closer to me, his boots clanking against the cold floor. He stops and stands still in front of me and pulls out a hatchet, twisting and twirling it around in his hand. It's as if he's just waiting for me to say something. In response I just scoot away uncomfortably, wanting to get away from him and his hatchets.

"W-why'd you kidnap me...." I muttered, looking up into his eyes. He then puts his hatchet back in his belt holster and crouches down in front of me until his face is level to mine. He takes off his muzzle, revealing his seemingly normal mouth. That was until I noticed the giant gruesome gash on the side of his face. My eyes widen in shock at the sight. He smirks at my terrified expression, then runs his gloved hand across my face. I shudder under his touch and he frowns before pulling his hand away.

"I k-kidnapped you because I was s-supposed to kill you but... you were j-just so cute.. I had to take y-you for myself~" The man stuttered. I noticed that he twitched and ticked whenever he did. Interesting.... I think to myself. Wait, he was gonna kill me?!

"What are you gonna do to me...?" My voice broke. I silently hoped he would let me live.

"W-why tell you when I-I could just show you?" The man responded, giving me a twisted grin. Before I could reply I felt an immense amount of pressure on my skull and then everything went black.


My eyes opened and I looked around. I appear to be in a bedroom now. A very simplistic bedroom at that. I try to sit up, but to no surprise my hands are tied to the head of the bed and my feet are tied to the two end corners. Just great, I thought to myself. I sighed knowing that there's no way I could escape like this. It's hopeless...

As I lay in the bed and mope I feel someone watching me so I turn my head to see my kidnapper sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. I went to say something but he cut me off. "You have no idea what I'm about to do to you~" he cooed. He got up out of the chair and began to take his clothes off. So he just stared at me until I woke up??

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