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You had been in your room that you share with Toby talking to Masky when suddenly he pinned you against the wall.

"Masky! What are you doing??" You shouted at the masked man pinning you to the wall.
"What I should've done from the start... That ticking loser never deserved you. You should be with me instead~" Masky replied, grabbing you by the chin.
He then leaned in and kissed you slowly as he placed his free hand on your waist. Your eyes widen in shock and you try to push him off, but his grip on you only tightens.
"Masky let me go!! I don't want this!" You say after managing to pull your mouth away from his.
Masky growled then kissed your neck as tears began to fall down your face.

Suddenly, the door opened. In stepped Toby. Yes! You'll be saved!
"Hey y/n I-I was w-wondering-" Toby suddenly stopped when he saw the scene laid before him.
"W-What's going on...?" He twitched.
"Babe, help me! He forced me to kiss him!" You shouted desperately.
Toby looked over at Masky who still had you pinned against the wall and gritted his teeth.
"Masky. G-get the fuck o-out. Right now." He growled angrily.
Masky laughed.
"No. You don't deserve her, so why don't you just go and cry about it while we have our fun~" Masky replied, making you feel sick to your stomach at the thought.
Toby suddenly darted at Masky from the doorway, taking him by surprise. He grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him across the room to the door then threw him out of the room. Masky sat outside the door confused without time to even think before Toby slammed the door shut and locked it.

You sighed in relief as Toby walked over to you.
"Thank you so much, I don't know why he di-"
You were suddenly cut off as he threw you onto the bed and crawled on top of you before you could even react.
"T-Toby what are you-"
Once again you got cut off as Toby forcefully smashed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened but you reluctantly kissed back.
"You're mine.." he grumbled against your lips.
He then roughly gripped your thighs and squeezed them. You gasped and he used that opportunity to shoot his tongue inside your mouth, exploring every crevice. Your thighs slowly spread apart without you realizing and he shoved his knee between them and pushed it upward. You moaned into the sultry kiss as you ran your fingers through his hair and he smirked against your lips. The two of you stayed like that for a moment until he pulled away so you could both breathe. Toby looked into your eyes, a twinge of both anger and lust inside his own.
"Y-You're mine y/n.. Only mine. I won't l-let anyone else h-have you..."

Toby then aggressively kissed your neck in various spots. You moaned as he did so and continued running your fingers through his messy hair. Toby kissed your neck one final time then whispered into your ear:
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard~"
He licked your ear before pulling away, causing you to shudder.

Toby wasted no time and immediately tore off your top and shorts, leaving you only in your underwear since you hadn't been wearing a bra. He forcefully kissed from your collarbone down to your stomach to your inner thighs. You whimpered as you felt your inner core begin to heat up and burn with desire. You were a flustered mess. A flustered, whimpering, mess.

Toby took off his shirt and flung it onto the floor then began unzipping his pants.
"Y-your body belongs to m-me." He said while pulling them off.
He yanked off his pants along with his boxers then threw them onto the floor with his shirt while you helplessly watched, knowing there was no way you could escape this.

Toby turned back to you then spread your legs apart and immediately slammed himself inside you, both of you groaning loudly in pleasure. He started slowly thrusting while repeating the word "mine" With each thrust. You moaned under your breath and bit your lip as a knot of pleasure formed in your stomach.

Toby suddenly began thrusting at a very fast, almost inhuman speed. You screamed in pleasure as your eyes widened in shock at the change in speed. You harshly gripped the bedsheets while you tried (and failed) to hold back your loud moans. You hoped that no one else in the mansion could hear you. Toby then gripped your thighs harder, digging his nails into them and causing them to bleed a little under his force.

"O-only I can p-please you, right? Only I-I can f-fuck you this good... N-n-not like that shithead M-Masky!" Toby said, gritting his teeth at the mention of Masky. The thought of Masky having his way with you filled Toby with even more rage and he thrusted even deeper and harder inside you, easily hitting your cervix. You were beginning to see stars at this point.

"T-tell me how m-much you love being f-fucked by my cock y/n..." Toby growled while panting heavily with each thrust.
"I-I love your cock Toby!!" You whined.
Toby grinned widely then leaned in and kissed you deeply, savoring the taste of your tongue inside his mouth while you moaned against his. His thrusts got more sloppy and he groaned as he then released his load inside you. He stops thrusting and you pant heavily in relief, thinking that he was done. You were wrong though. He began thrusting inside you once again, this time even deeper and faster than before. You gasped and screamed in ecstasy. His previous load began overflowing out of you with each thrust, oozing out onto the bed.

The bed banged against the wall and the sound of skin hitting skin echoed through the room along with your moans and screams. You knew damn well everyone in the mansion could hear you right now. And Toby definitely took enjoyment in that.

He leaned down again and began leaving hickeys and bite marks along your neck and chest. Your eyelids squeezed shut as he sucked on your neck, and you knew you were about to cum. You felt the knot inside your stomach burst as you came onto Toby's member. Your cum mixed with his and dripped out onto the bed. Your toes clenched and your back arched, but he didn't stop. He kept going. It began to hurt as his dick drilled into your hole.

"T-Toby!! Please! P-please stop! I'm y-yours okay! No o-one elses!" You beg as he snaps his hips forward and drills his cock even deeper inside you.
"Damn r-right you are. O-only I can f-fuck you like t-this. Beg m-me for forgiveness and I m-might consider l-letting you rest." He replies, his voice low and gruff from the constant grunts and groans of pleasure that strained his vocal chords.
"I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't give h-him c-consent!" You whine. Tears stream down your cheeks due to the overstimulation.
Toby growls.

"You belong to me! No one else!" He shouts.
His thrusts get more sloppy as he cums inside you again, making you easily cum with him as you're more sensitive. Toby then pulled out and you sighed in relief until he flipped you over and began fucking you from behind. He grabbed onto your hips and roughly slammed you against him while thrusting into you at the same time. You screamed loudly and buried your head into the pillow as you felt your body begin to break. He took one of his hands off your hip and grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling your head back.

"Aghh! T-Toby please!!! I can't t-take it anymore!!" You screamed as your insides ached with both pain and pleasure.
"F-fucking scream my n-name..." He dared.
"T-Toby! Toby! Please Toby! I'm only yours T-Toby! N-no one can fuck me a-as good as you c-can!!" You screamed out.
Toby smirked. He continued pounding into you until both you and him came again.

He finally pulled out, without any plans of going back in. He was exhausted, and he had already broken your body. He was sure you now knew that you're his. As well as everyone in the mansion.. He put his clothes back on, smiling to himself about how only he can make you scream the way you were screaming for him. Toby looked over at you laying on the bed. You were sprawled out and breathing heavily with cum dripping out of your beaten red cunt. He walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead before laying down with you.
"S-sorry I lost c-control baby..."
You were too out of breath to reply. Toby cradled you into his arms and then fell asleep with you.

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