Toy On A Mission⁉️

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A/N: Honestly don't know how I feel about this one lmao- If you don't like it please don't stop reading, have some trust in me dawgs. It would really help if you guys could give some ideas on what to make!

"Aren't you a pretty boy."
Your hand gently caressed Toby's face, unbothered by his occasional tics and twitches. Toby looked up at you with his creamy brown eyes and bit his lip. Your eyes slowly scanned his bare skin as a blush creeped up his face, feeling so exposed.
"I want to use toys on you." You stated simply, not bothering to ask if he's okay with the idea.
"W-what?" He asked softly.
"Shh.." You shushed him as you grabbed something peculiar from the drawer in your nightstand.

Toby's eyes watched you as you grabbed a circular band with a little mechanical piece attached along with a remote control.
"What's t-that?" He asked innocently.
"Give me a second." You replied.
He nodded in response and once again watched you as you came closer to him with the foreign object.

A small gasp left his throat as you put it over his cock and scooted it downward. He wanted to ask what you were gonna do but his question was immediately answered once you pressed the big button on the remote. On command, the band around his dick began vibrating. Toby let out a moan as the sudden sensation covered his cock.
"Oh... fuck," Toby groaned as you turned the intensity up higher.
You smirked at his helpless form and watched him close his eyes while sucking air in through his teeth. This was enjoyable.

Suddenly, you both jumped as you both heard a knock on the door. You immediately pressed the button on the remote back off as soon as you heard it and covered Toby with a blanket shortly after. You got up and walked towards the door while Toby tried to calm himself down. You gingerly twisted the knob and pulled the door open to see an annoyed Jeff impatiently waiting outside your doorway.

"What is it Jeff?" You sighed, rolling your eyes. He had just interrupted your special time with Toby, and you were not happy about it.
"Is Toby in there?" He replied, unfazed by your attitude.
You looked back at Toby who was still naked under a blanket, and he shook his head no with a panicked expression. You bit your lip and looked back at Jeff.
"Uhh, he's changing." You answered flatly.

"Well Slender told me to tell him he has an urgent mission he needs to complete right now. There's this girl that's been researching us and if she keeps at it she'll find the mansion and tell everyone, so she needs to be exterminated immediately." Jeff stated matter-of-factly, handing you a photo.
"Oh I think I've seen her around, I can help with the mission."
"Okay I don't care, just get it done." Jeff said while walking away, probably back to his room to go make out with his knife collection or something.

You closed the door and slowly looked back at Toby, who was already up and changing into his gear.
"S-sorry we couldn't f—finish what you wanted t-to do.." He said, huffing because he knew this meant he couldn't cum yet.
You smiled, taking him off guard.
"Oh no, we're still going to finish." You stated.
"Uh... what d-do you mean by t-that? We don't h-have time to do that before o-our mission—" Toby twitched in confusion.
"I know. Which is why we're not doing it before the mission." You replied, your smile only growing wider as you pulled out the remote and shook it teasingly in front of him.
"Oh..o-oh no..." He stammered in realization.


Toby moved swiftly through the house of his target, trying his best to ignore the fact his dick was vibrating in his pants. The target was supposedly upstairs watching TV in her room. You snickered as you pushed up the intensity when Toby began heading up the stairs. He twitched and let out a moan.
"Augh~ Y-y/n d-do you want to... mmm! G-get us caught?!" Toby whisper yelled, trying to conceal his pleasure.
"Nope, just wanna see if you can handle the challenge~" You replied with a smirk, turning the intensity back down a bit.
Toby rolled his eyes and quietly headed up the stairs while you followed behind.
You could hear Toby moaning under his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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