One: Meeting the New Managers

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Nam SuHee gazes across the street at the building she now works at. There's no big sign on the building, not even a temporary banner to announce that the two story building is BigHit Entertainment. Even if there was a sign, she wouldn't be able to read it with her limited knowledge of the Korean language. Thanks to Google translate and a few helpful people who were willing to help her, she has finally found the correct building.

Go Mina, the one that can speak Korean fluently, was supposed to meet her here. Just before they could leave the hotel, her old job called and needed some information to make sure her W-2 would get to the right place. Worried that they would both be late, Mina sent SuHee on ahead despite the girl's worry about getting lost and being later than she would have been.
SuHee checks her phone for the thousandth time and smiles lightly when she sees the phone background. It's a picture of her and Mina sitting on the couch with their puppy in Mina's lap. Their old apartment allowed pets and they decided to get a little puppy to give them company. The apartment they are moving into here in Korea won't allow pets and they had to give the puppy to a friend before they could move.
She still can't believe it was only a few weeks ago that they had received the official emails from Hobeom, one of BTS's four managers, announcing they were hired by BigHit. Both of the girls have been dreaming about working at the entertainment company for years. The night they read the emails, they couldn't believe their eyes and had to read the email over multiple times before they let themselves celebrate. They ended up getting noise complaints from the neighbors about the excited screaming and had to apologize to the apartment manager and the neighbors.

As she looks back to the building, she spares a glance around hoping to see her best friend hurrying over. She has absolutely no desire to walk into her new job without her translator. After a couple more minutes, she hesitantly takes a step across the street while mumbling a prayer under her breath that they will make a good first impression.

Behind her, a taxi pulls up to the side of the road and a nervous Mina struggles to pay the driver with the foreign currency. "I'm here!" She announces and SuHee turns around, sighing in relief.
SuHee turns to her and hugs her tightly. "Oh, thank goodness! I was worried I'd have to go in by myself!" She pulls away and smiles at her friend with excited eyes, "Are you ready? First day of our dream job."
"I'm ready. I think." Mina grabs SuHee's hand tightly and takes a deep breath.

A few people hurry down the sidewalk, passing the two without a second glance as they chat quietly in Korean. After regaining some of her courage, SuHee tugs on Mina's hand and they make their way across the street. When they reach the glass door, SuHee types in the code she was given and the lock buzzes, letting them know it was temporarily unlocked. They step inside and make sure the door clicks shut before stepping up to a reception desk.
Mina steps up and switches to Korean, letting the woman know who they are and showing their Visas for identification. She smiles and welcomes them, handing them employee IDs and calling someone on the desk phone. A few moments later, an elevator opens and a man steps out.

"Welcome! Are you excited to start your new job?"
Mina bows in respect and nudges SuHee to do the same. They both stand up straight a second later and Mina greets the man in Korean. "We've been excited since the email. I'm Go Mina and this is Nam SuHee. She's not fluent in Korean yet."
The man nods and switches to English for the younger girl's sake. "I'm Hobeom, one of BTS's managers. We're going to step up to SeJin's office and talk there. You have to sign some paperwork and then we're good to go."

He turns and leads them towards the elevator, pressing the button for the third and highest level of the building. The two step in beside him and SuHee lets out a breath. "Not gonna lie. I'm really nervous."
"Don't worry, I'm sure the nerves will go away after a few days or a week." The manager assures them, stepping out when the elevator dings and the doors open. "This way."

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