Chapter Seven

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Published: April 22, 2019
Word Count: 2022

SuHee steps into the cafeteria and reaches for her phone to ask Mina if she wanted anything. She stops short and huffs when she realizes she left her phone. The bustle of the cafeteria soon draws her attention. There are a lot of staff milling about, and it doesn't take long to pick out the one person who isn't in uniform. He's standing at a counter, placing his order. The server smiles a bit too widely at him and hands over a receipt.
She walks over and says a quiet greeting. "Can you... help me order?" She asks shyly.
The man turns around. He hesitates for a moment, looking down at her.
"No. I'm busy." Min Yoongi mutters and promptly walks away.
SuHee drops the smile she put on and watches him for a moment before shrugging and turning to the staff. After a few minutes of trying to communicate and apologizing for holding up the line, SuHee sits down at a table in the corner and picks up her chopsticks, hoping the hot food would help her headache.

"Hi Noona!" A happy voice greets her. Someone slides into the booth across from her. It's Jungkook, looking very bright-eyed and full of energy.
"Had so much fun! Slept a lot." He informs her with an adorable grin.
She winces a little and smiles. "That's good. Sleep is good. Sleep. Yeah.." she takes a mouthful of noodles and sighs at the slight relief they give her.
BTS' maknae frowns. "What's wrong, Noona? Are you alright?"
She smiles a little and fishes her mouthful. "I'm okay. Sorry. I woke up with a headache." She explains, grabbing her hot tea and drinking some.
Jungkook pouts. "You feel better." He reaches up and pats her head. Then he turns and looks at the counter. "I... food. Eat. Here?"
SuHee smiles at the pat and tilts her head. "Want to eat with me?" She asks, a little confused on what he meant.
He nods. "Eat with you."
She smiles and gives him a thumbs up. "Of course you can, Jungkook-Nim." She assures.
He giggles. "Nim..." then he runs off to get food.
SuHee frowns and watches him for a moment. "Is Nim not the right thing?" She asks herself, watching the energetic Maknae make the staff laugh.

He comes back carrying a tray with a bowl of noodles and a plate with vegetables and scarce meat.
SuHee looks at him when he sits down. "Is Nim not the right thing?" She asks, wanting to make sure she says things right.
He shakes his head. "No, no, no. Nim good. But ah..." his face crumples. "Too...much..." his face shows his frustration. "Big... no... too loud...." he grunts.
SuHee laughs a little and taps his hand that's sitting on the table to gain his attention.  "To old sounding? Too formal?" She offers.
Jungkook snaps his fingers and points at her. "Too fffoornal. Fornal...?"
She smiles and slows the word to help him. "For... mall...."
"Formal." He repeats slowly. Once he gets it down, he looks very pleased. "Too formal. Call me Jungkookie! Kookie. Jungkook. Jeongoo." He shrugs.
"But you're older than me and technically my boss. Shouldn't there be some kind of title?" She asks, confused.
He sighs and nods. "Oppa... But... it's okay. Call me Nim...later."
SuHee smiles. "Jungkookie-Oppa."
He wrinkles his nose a little, but nods.
"Now... eat!" He stabs some veggies and shakes them a little.
SuHee laughs and starts eating again, her headache almost forgotten. After she finishes she watches Jungkook and studies his expression and body language to see what she can get from him. Jungkook doesn't seem to notice, as he's picked up his phone and is looking at something while he eats. After a little and finding nothing from him, she lays her head on her arms and closes her eyes.
Kookie looks up. "Okay?" He asks quietly.
She nods a little and moves to run a hand through her hair to soothe the ache but remembers she's at a table and rests her hand back on the table.
"I'm okay, Kookie." She answers absently.
The maknae blinks a couple times. "Go to sleep?"
She moves her head so her chin is rested on her arm and she can look at him.
"No. It's the headache. Hurts." She adds, taping the side of her head.
He carefully reaches across and pats her head gently. "Be okay."
She smiles gratefully, the contact and slight pressure on her head helping the pain a little. "I will. Thank you, Kookie." She smiles.
Kookie smiles softly. "Where other Noona?" He suddenly asks.
"Oh, I left her to sleep. But I left my phone in the office so I can't ask her what she wants to eat."
"Office? Phone... call office." He slides his phone across the table to her.
SuHee hesitates for a moment and nods, carefully picking up the phone and dialing the office number.

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