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Elena shut the front door behind her with honest exhaustion. What a perfect end to the perfect day, she thought sarcastically.

"Did you have fun?"

She looked up to see a concerned Jenna eyeing her from her spot snuggled into Alaric's side, his arm folded around her while they watched television.

"Yeah," She nodded distractedly. Unwillingly, a flash of Stefan and Damon lying on the ground, Sheriff Forbes standing over them with a gun popped into her mind. "It was good."

Alaric smiled at her gently, "Hi Elena."

She nodded back, happy to see her aunt looking so content in the history teacher's arms.

"This man told me that even Damon made an appearance," Jenna laughed, hitting her boyfriend on the chest.

Elena's gaze involuntarily flicked towards Rick and she bit her lip nervously. She needed to talk to him about Rei.

Jenna sat up straighter, her brow wrinkling. "…Are you sure everything is okay, Elena?"

Realising that she was allowing too much of her emotions to show, Elena forced her lips into a wide grin, "Of course, Jenna. Just, you know boy problems." She shrugged with a hopeless sort of expression on her face.

Stefan and she had both agreed that their ruse would work far better if everyone believed that they were fighting. There was less chance that the truth would get back to Katherine that way.

"Well whatever it is, I'm sure you two will work it out," Jenna reassured her comfortingly, her eyes sympathetic. "I'm going to make tea," The strawberry blonde woman murmured to herself as she climbed from the couch. "Anyone want one?"

Elena shook her head mutely.

"I'll join you," Alaric smiled at Jenna and got up from the couch.

"Actually Rick," She called hastily, her tone just a little louder than it probably needed to be. "Um, I was hoping to ask you a question about the essay you set."

Jenna grinned happily, "Handy that he was here then, huh?" She winked at Elena who smiled back weakly. "Debate, discuss, broaden your minds. I'll get the tea." She sang over her shoulder as she left the room.

As soon as they were alone Alaric spoke up, "So what's this about?"

"I'm sorry about interrupting your night," She apologised. "I just had to speak to you alone."

"I figured, especially since I never set your class an essay." He pointed out.

Elena ran the fingers of her right hand through her hair, pushing the strands out of her eyes trying desperately to think of a way to tell Rick what he needed to know. "Damon didn't want me to tell you. Said that he'd take care of it and there was no need for you to know, but Stefan and I talked about it and we didn't like how he was thinking of handling everything." She said in a rush. "And we thought that since you already know her she'd probably feel a whole lot more comfortable talking about it with you. Jenna did say that you two had really hit it off and-"

"Elena!" Alaric halted her rambling, curiosity now shining in his eyes. "A little context would be nice."

She exhaled loudly, her shoulders drooping, "Rei Potter? She knows about vampires."

Rick's jaw dropped, his eyes widening with shock while Elena watched him closely.

"What?" He breathed, before his brown orbs abruptly narrowed. "How?!"

Elena shrugged. "We met her at the Grill yesterday, she seemed perfectly nice." She'd been a bit like a breath of fresh air if the brunette was being totally honest. "But then there was this whole thing with Damon, words were exchanged-"

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