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Rei ducked the fist to her face easily, spinning around with a sweep of her legs that Alaric was quick to jump over.

"Wait," She pushed back the hair from her face. "Your undead ex-wife turns up out of the blue and you're upset because Jenna saw her."

"I told you," Alaric grunted as she dug a sharp elbow into his vulnerable middle. "As far as Jenna was concerned, Isobel had died and they just never found her body."

She scoffed loudly, making no effort to muffle the derisive noise. "So, what you're saying is that whatever grief Elena's birth mother's reappearance is causing between you and Jenna is your fault." She pointed at him.

Alaric's eyes narrowed. "Thanks for the compassion," He deadpanned sarcastically.

Rei shrugged unapologetically. "Hey, I call it like I see it, and to my eyes, this whole messy situation could have been avoided if you'd just told Jenna about vampires ages ago."

Seeing his mouth begin to open in response, Rei took her chance and darted forward. A quick jab to his upper chest with the heel of her hand upset the hunter's balance so that when she kicked out with a sharp hit to the left knee, he went down hard.

Folding her arms, she stared down at the groaning man with a small, triumphant grin. "You, owe me breakfast," Rei reminded him of their deal at the beginning of this mornings self-defence work-out.

Alaric shot her a dirty look but nodded, clambering to his feet. "Fine," His voice was reluctant but the hint of a smile on his lips ruined the effect, betraying his humour. "I want to go past Jenna's place first though, see if she's willing to talk to me, but I'll meet you at the Grill at nine thirty, alright?"

"Sounds good!" Rei threw him a wide grin over her shoulder as she waved her hand and left his apartment. Her mind already turning to the shower waiting for her back home.


"I can't find him anywhere," Caroline pulled her front door closed firmly. "He's not at home, he's not answering his phone-"

"How could you let him leave?" Stefan asked disbelievingly.

She had to force down the urge to snap back at him. "My Mum came in and he just took off! What was I supposed to do?"

Climbing into her car, she nodded mutely as Stefan told her to just keep looking for him, that she needed to get this under control.

"I slip vervain into his soda at work but I forgot to yesterday," She explained quickly, wincing at the idea of compelling Matt to do anything, even making him forget the fact that she was a vampire. "It should be out of his system by now."

"Alright, just find him, Caroline."

Closing her eyes with worry she nevertheless, nodded determinedly. "He's got a catering shift up at the Lockwood mansion for the luncheon today, I'll check if he's there."


Rei looked down at her watch for the fifth time in ten minutes.


He was late. Very late.

"Do you want another coffee?" A young waitress asked with a gesture towards her cold, untouched beverage.

"Um,…" She looked down at her watch again with a frown. "Yeah, that would be great, thanks."

"Shouldn't be long," The waitress informed her with a happy smile, reaching over to pick up her cup and put it on the black tray she was holding.

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