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don't know, Elena's determined to act the martyr. I tried talking to her, but she's not hearing a word I'm saying."

Damon scowled as he walked down the stairs, phone pressed to his ear.

"Thankfully, we won't have to worry about suicidal Elena for much longer." He shrugged on his leather jacket. "I had a little chat with Katherine, managed to trick her into telling me that the white oak ash and silver dagger to the heart myth is true."

"Just be careful, Damon," Stefan cautioned. He rolled his eyes. "Elijah's an Original, he's been around a long time. It's not going to be easy getting the drop on him."

"Speaking of getting the drop on people," He spoke up, changing the subject before his little brother bored him to death. "Guess what I spent last night doing?"

"I don't want to hear about you and Andie-"

"Head out of the gutter there, slick!" Damon gasped theatrically. "No, after my little torture session at the hands of a certain female werewolf we all know and love, I ran over to our new neighbour's house where I found four dead werewolves."


"Yeah, they went after Rei, thought she'd know where we'd hidden the moonstone. Apparently, the princess is not so helpless, she took care of three of them by herself before we got there." Grabbing his keys and phone, he pulled open the front door and stepped into the morning air. "Though I refused to help dispose of the bodies because she was being annoying."

He scowled with remembrance. Bonnie had called him about Luka only shortly after he'd left her and Alaric behind to clean-up, he just wished that judgy had called sooner. Say, when he was arguing with Rei in her kitchen about spilling all things Elijah related. He'd have loved to have proven her 'good guy' theory wrong to her face.

But you can't have everything, could you? He'd settle for telling her today. After all, the look on her face should be priceless no matter the hour, he smirked.

"How?" He could practically hear Stefan frown.

"How what?" Damon snapped back.

"She overcame four werewolves by herself? How is that possible?!"

"Cool your jets, brother," He rolled his eyes. "Apparently, Elijah made an appearance at her home, killed one of them by ripping the guy's heart out of his chest. Rei took care of the other three, and before you have a cow, Rick said that princess wasn't a slouch when it came to self-defence. If she surprised them and was her annoyingly smart self about it, it's not that unbelievable, Stefan." Eyes narrowed, his mind flashed back to last night. "Though she now thinks Elijah is Mr Good Guy."

"She killed them?!" Stefan exclaimed with shock, and Damon couldn't blame him, he'd had the same reaction. "That short, teenage girl beat three werewolves? She actually took them out?!"

"Yeah," Sighing, he slid behind the wheel. "And she wasn't a sobbing mess of tears on the floor either. I'll grant you, she seemed shocked, kind of sad about the having to kill people, but she was handling what she did with…scary poise."

"And she thinks Elijah is someone she can trust?" Stefan's voice was alarmed now, and Damon scowled at the dashboard with aggravation. How did he know his little brother was going to overreact?

"Look, I wasn't very happy either, but after thinking about it some more I realised that this really isn't that big of a deal. So princess thinks Mr Original is Prince Charming, so what? As soon as I tell her what Bonnie found out through Luka, about him intending for Elena's part of the ritual to be carried out, she'll change her mind. In the meantime, she can't tell him anything of use anyway, so relax, I've got this covered."

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