Triple betrayal

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Hi guys!

Sorry for a small delay with this chapter but I promise to publish the next part tomorrow.

Thank you that you are staying with me!


I went out the library and heard muted noises from the outside. I headed to the yard and then hid behind the columns. I saw Rosenberg and Barclay around several adult outcasts. I recognised Xavier's father. He found time to grace us all with his presence at this devil's ball. Yoko's father also came to visit this "event". There were several people whom I did not know.

- Dear members of the New Government. Today we are starting the new epoch of outcasts. The greatness of...
Someone whisked me out to the darkness having held my mouth. In several seconds this person let me go. When I turned around I saw Bianca:
- What a nice ill-minded speech, - she whispered.
- It looks like you find it riveting.
- I don't.
- I know that you helped these two crazy ladies with delusions of grandeur, - I stated.
- Gabrielle promised me freedom out of the cult if I help her. But when I found out exactly what she and her mad friend are up to, I stopped.
- It does not look like you terminated the cooperation. They wanted you to bring the resourex.
- I have been sabotaging them for several months. Rosenberg was looking for this crystal for ages because I threw a spanner in the works. Listen, after what happened to Enid, - I tensed when Bianca pronounced these words, - after what happed to Tyler's father, I do not help them.
- Why should I believe you?
- Haven't you thought why Ava did not attack you with her magic in the yard that day when you found out that she was your stalker? It was my spell which prohibited her to do that.
I was silent.
- Okay. Let's say you convinced me. Then answer my questions. Did Rosenberg kill Tyler's father?
- She sent someone to do this. Donovan was a part of this "circle". He was useful for Gabrielle and Rosenberg because he was Hyde's father. They are both very interested in having a Hyde under their control. Donovan thought that Rosenberg and my mother would help Tyler be normal, be a part of the new society but he got quickly that there was something wrong with this "MorningSong" government.
- What is the main goal of this "new government"? - I continued questioning Bianca. I needed as much information as I could get to vanquish Rosenberg and Barclay.
- They want to enslave all normies in Jericho using young outcasts under siren's spell. Gabrielle will bewitch all of the students soon if we don't stop her. And it is only the beginning.
- Will you be able to restrain your mother's magic?
- My mother is very powerful. I will need help of other sirens to oppose her. Also I need to call out the nightshades.
- Xavier is out of the game, - I added harshly.
- Why?
- Don't ask. Just call others. And do not go to Poe's library. Noone should go there, - I remembered that Xavier was lying on the floor in the library. I regretted that I had not tied him up. - Then I will tell you what we are going to do next.
- You are still weird, - commented Bianca but did not argue with me.

It was 3 am. Rosenberg and Barclay started their show. Bianca's mother opened her mouth and a sweet song came out of it. It was not difficult to restrain myself from what the siren wanted me to do thanks to the steps taken to prevent it. Gabrielle waited for several minutes then sang again. But nothing happened. That was my time to step up in the scene:
- Something doesn't work? - I did not try to conceal mocking.
- Wednesday Addams, - drew out Rosenberg. - Every time when you get involved something goes wrong.
- That is an axiom.
- What did you do? - Gabrielle was like a wound-up fiddle string.
- You should ask your daughter.
Bianca stepped out the darkness accompanied by other sirens:
- We just got ahead you with a siren spell. Now the most of the students are in the safe place knowing that they should not listen to you. Once you said that a siren can never change their scales. Let's say you were wrong.
- You betrayed your mother. You betrayed your cult.
- It is your cult, Gabrielle. I am in my cast now, - Bianca looked around her friends. I also got a glimpse.
- And it is not the only circle in this school, - I heard Ajax's voice behind my back. All nightshades apart from Xavier stepped out the darkness.
Rosenberg's face turned red.
- Okay, you want to get hostile, we can do that.

Rosenberg closed her eyes and in a second I saw dozens of fire balls around. The principle snapped her fingers and these balls turned into the hell creatures from my nightmares.
- Wednesday! - I heard Tyler's voice. I turned around. Tyler passed me the sword. He turned into a Hyde being ready to fight.
Yoko's father and Xavier's father protested against Rosenberg and Barclay disagreeing to harm youngsters. They supported our side.

The fight started. My nightmares came true. The ugly creatures with animal sculpts attacked. In some time we got the understanding that they were not so difficult to be killed but the problem was that they did not wind up. If you finished one, you had three more to kill. Everybody was combating with passion but people have a propensity to get tired.
- You won't win this fight if you don't know how to do that properly, - I heard Goody's voice in my head.
- It is not a right time for a girl chatting, - I stabbed another creature with my sword.
- You will keep losing people, - said Goody and I heard Tyler's scream. He suffered from the simultaneous attack of monsters. Tyler succeeded to kill them but got hurt. Now he was lying on the ground in his human form. I finished one more monster and ran to my friend. He had a terrible belly wound. I could see his insides.
- He is losing a lot of blood, - Goody spoke to me in my head again. - He will die in two minutes if you don't do anything.
- I cannot help him, - my voice betrayed me and shook. Tyler groaned.
- You can, - admitted Goody. - Practically that will be me. If you give me the control over your body, I can heal Tyler. What is more, I will help you to win the fight. I know what to do. And nobody among your friends will die.

I felt my body shaking. My thoughts interlaced with Goody's mind and it got difficult to understand where was a border between my ancestor and me.

My hands did not obey me anymore. Goody placed them on Tyler's wound. Golden shine went out my fingers in a minute Tyler was saved.
Rosenberg was standing with a smirk observing the fight. Suddenly a redheaded woman, Lily's sidekick, came to Rosenberg. The battle with hell creatures was going on:
- You are late! There has been a fight in my school for an hour, - said Rosenberg to the redheaded women. She stood in front of the "queen".
- It is MY school, - said the redheaded woman and on a whim I saw principal Weems. My heart jumped into my throat and even a smile appeared on my face.

Weems stabbed Rosenberg in her stone heart. The eyes of the last one widen whether shock or pain. Rosenberg fell on the ground dead. At that moment Gabrielle backed away and vanished into the darkness. With Rosenberg's death the number of the hell creatures stopped to get bigger because they were a part of Rosenberg's imagination. So we had to finish the creatures left.

- Good show. But we don't have much time, - Goody turned around heading to the Nevermore building:
- Where are you going? You promised to help win the fight, - I protested. I even succeeded to stop my body for several seconds.
- I did. I will do that afterwards. But now I have more important thing to do.
- Things like what?
- You will see.

Goody headed to the library. Her target was Xavier.

How interesting a betrayal could influence events.
Bianca betrayed her mother.
Weems betrayed Rosenberg.
Goody betrayed me.

Who is the next one?

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