|20| 𝙊𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Hold me

The class will be starting in few minutes but she still had not arrived. He was waiting for since early morning.

All night he couldn't sleep properly as her words were hurting him like daggers.

The teacher entered and she too entered walking beside the teacher looking at the ground and walked to the front seat so she could go back early.

He knew she did that purposely if she would have come early she know he would try to talk to her and make her sit with him so that's why she came at right moment when the class begin.

She was afraid of him now. She first didn't care that he was mafia but when she saw him fighting with those mans she thought what if those would try to harm her only family her father. So it was better to stay from him. She loves her father the most in this world.


The whole day in college she ignored him unknowingly making him more hurt then already he was.

As the college time was over she quickly made her way out of the university .


After her part time job she was going towards her home it was evening, but she halted in her step when a black mercedes came with high speed and making a drift it stopped in front of her.

Her eyes widen when he stepped out of the car . His hair were dripping in sweat, his were showing anger and pain. He paced towards her while she tried to run from there but couldn't as he was fast enough to grasp her in his hold.

" L-leave me what are you doing "

Y/n wiggled in his hold. She smelled a alcohol from him. He was drunk which made her more scared then she already was.

He picked her up on shoulder and walked towards his car and throwed her inside.

" What are you doing jungkook, you are not in the right state of your mind. Where are you taking me " She yelled at him, scared. He didn't replied and went to the other side to drive the car.


He drove the car to his large big mansion while she was trying to get out from bis grip all the time but he kept her in place.

He stepped out of the car the car and went to other side to pick y/n up and throwed her back on his shoulder like a rag doll .

All the gaurds and servants were looking at them in horror and surprise as it was the time seeing their boss bringing a girl to his mansion and over on that girl had a look as if she was forced to here..

He entered inside his room and slammed the door close with his ond leg and walked his bed and tossed y/n on his bed.

She tried to move back away from him but he pulled her back by gripping her ankle and he hovered her . She looked at him in terror he was the same man who saved her from getting ruin on that night but now he was going to do the same with her.

" P-please leave m-me "

She cried while squirming under his hold but he was too drown in his drunk state to hear her pleadings and held the sleave of her black shirt and torn it which made gasp and stiff.

She screamed.

He stroked her arm.

" This is the first time I am seeing you sleevless. Your skin is beautiful "

He whispered in deep voice.

True, she always used to wear full sleaves clothes . She never like showing off her body and was more into tomboy looks.

He planted a kiss on her arm which made yelp.

He moved towards her face and his eyes landed on her rosy lips. He tried to kiss and closed his eyes as his hold loosened on her arm which made her one hand free.

He stopped when he felt a hand on his chest so he opened his eyes. Her little hand was on his chest trying to stop him to go further.

He looked in her eyes, they were begging him not to destroy her.

" P-please J-jungkook d-don't d-doo thi-s pleas-ee " She chocked on her words as she cried hysterically.

His name was sounding so painful from her lips this time. She was looking so hurt and broken.

She was afraid of him .

He looked at her again .

He made his love fear him......

He was pushed back when y/n pushed him . He looked at her blankly as she ran towards the open door of bathroom and shut the door tightly.

She slipped down with door and hugged her knees tightly, crying.

He stood up and gulped while walking towards the door and sat down against the door.

They both were leaning against the same door.

He heard her sobbings and shut his eyes tightly clenching his jaw, her broken voice was hurting him .


" See love , I am really a monster "

He whispered chuckling sadly but was audible for y/n to hear.

" I hurt you "

He said with broken voice there was tears in his eyes but he was in pain.

" Y/N please kill this monster inside me "

" only you can do this. "

"If you don't grasp me. "

"I'll sink . "

"You are what I need in my life y/n i need your love please love me "

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