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Jaewan wandered through the streets of Mirawik...the night here is more lively and cheerful than that in Alwarak... He missed this place..it never did cross his mind to visit his home kingdom even once

Jaewan was deep in thoughts when he felt a hand tapping on his shoulder.. he turned around and saw an old lady staring at him

' Are you new here son?' The old lady asked

' Yes..' Jaewan said bowing..her face oddly familiar..as if the wrinkles were hiding a very known face behind it

' Ah that's why I haven't seen you here that much' The old lady smiled ' Where are you from?'

' I...from some where far... Am a trader...so I am on a journey on understanding the different trade interests of each kingdom.. ' Jaewan lied

' Thats nice.... How has it been going' She asked again ' Don't take me wrong son...I saw you standing in front of my stall for a long time..lost in thoughts..so I thought that you are in some kind of trouble'

' Oh..no no..am sorry for the inconvenience' Jaewan apologized when he realized that he was in front of a small food stall

' Don't apologize...did you have food?'

' No'

' Then come on in... I was anyway going to close the shop...as it's late..so the food is on me... Mirawikians never let their guests go disappointed' The old woman smiled as she walked into her shop with Jaewan following

Soon a whole bowl of Kimchi and rice with some pork belly was set on the low table in front of Jaewan with the old woman settling down on the other side

' Its really tasty' Jaewan's eyes gleamed as he devoured the food

The old woman kept on looking at the man in front of her who was silently enjoying his food

' Son... don't mind me if I am wrong...' The lady said hesitantly.. ' Have you..have you perhaps visited before.. It's just you remind me of someone I knew from years back'

' I used to live here untill my appa decided to move...he was in the royal army.. chieftain actually' Jaewan nonchalantly said not noticing the change in expression of the lady

' J-Jaewan..is that you?' Her voice shook

Jaewan stilled looking up at the old lady who had her eyes brimmed with tears....' Don't you remember me Jae?'

A sudden realization hit him..his eyes widening as he finally understood why this lady felt so familiar 'Mina Ajumma?'

' Yes my Jae.. '

Jaewan was quick to hug the old lady...as she cried tears of happiness in his arms...Kim Mina... Jaewan's aunt...his mother's sister...who was the one to raise Jaewan up as his mother would always be with Chaeyeon looking after her as she was a very weak girl.

' It's been so long' Jaewan said sitting next to her ' How are you?'

' I am fine.... having a satisfied life..the only regret was not coming with you....as after these two kingdoms being declared enemies..we were never allowed to visit Alwarak..but now that I saw you...I am contented' Mina smiled caressing Jaewan's hair

Jaewan too smiled..how much he had missed this love and care

' Are you really a trader? Why are you alone? Where is Chaeyeonie?And..in one of her letters Chae had sent through our Prince Daewon she had written about the girl you loved..what was her name?? Yeah Jihye.. where is she...and how are your children? And what about Chaeyeon's kids...how are the-'

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