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As per Hobi's orders everyone were assembled in the field behind the temple.... including Yeonjun and Soobin

' You know...am well trained' Namjoon spoke up ' I mean...I was the previous king... I can be the king again also...Even Jinnie too...'

' Do you have control over your powers?' Hobi asked 'If you are well trained and have control over your powers then why am I not seeing you all using your powers? Elementals were not made for them to save up all their powers and die one day... You have a purpose in life'

' Hobi hyung' Taehyung called softly seeing the way Namjoon was standing there dumbstruck ' He didn't mean it like that.... let's... let's just start?'

' Ok then... Kim Namjoon' Hobi spoke up ' What is your power?'

' Psychokinesis?'

' Was that a question?' Hobi rose a brow

' N-'

' If yes then the answer is no' Hobi said cutting him mid sentence ' Your power is not just psychokinesis...go find out your other power...'

' How am I supposed to do that?'Namjoon asked flabbergasted

' Whose powers did I ask you to find out?'Hobi crossed his arms over his chest

' My'

' So who is supposed to know about it?'

' Me' Namjoon mumbled

' That's what I was also saying' Hobi shrugged turning towards Jin

' Arrogant asshole' Namjoon mumbled.. rolling his eyes at the alpha

Taehyung was staring wide eyed at the interaction when he heard small giggles from his side only to see Jungkook and Yeonjun giggling

' What?' Taehyung asked lowly

' Finally found someone who could shut Namjoon up' Yeonjun chuckled

' I know right' Jungkook laughed making Taehyung just shake his head

' Jin...you have control over every one of your powers....but you know what's stopping you?' Hobi smiled softly ' It's your fears.... You just have to over come that...and far is not the day when you will be the one saving your loved ones.. you need not be scared'

Jin blinked in confusion.....how does Hobi know all these? He has never opened up about his fears to anyone..not even Namjoon..then how-...His thoughts broke when Jungkook spoke up

' Scared?' Jungkook asked ' Of what? Hyung we both know who among us causes all the mess...you know who among us hurts others then why are you scared? If anything it's me who should be scared because I h-'

' Am not scared of hurting others Jungkook' Jin cut him off ' Am scared of hurting you....am scared of loosing you just like how we lost him...'

' We all know that water and fire are no good combination....as they have the power to kill each other...but there is also a truth that only water and fire can have the power to control each other' Hobi patted his shoulder ' You both brothers have been each other's pillars all these years and it should continue like that'

Jungkook nodded to what he said and gave Jin an assured smile.... determined to talk to his hyung about this when alone

'And now coming to Yoongi... you are already well trained... just build that up....and when the time comes just strike' Hobi winked ' and Jimin ah....for time being just rest...you have other things to focus on besides the training'

What other things is he talking about Jimin thought as he nodded slowly

' Jungkook... let's start with you'

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