Secrets: Destiny Islands [KH/FF]

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"So we're very sorry about what happened, but you can't stay here any longer." the officer said from his position on your front doorstep.

You knew you shouldn't have answered the door because you knew this day was coming. But that didn't mean you wanted to leave. "No, I can't go! My life is here, my friends are here, and my family has lived within these walls for generations!" you pleaded.

The officer showed a little sympathy, but not much, "I'm sorry Miss but it's the law. You can't live on your own, you're much too young. Make plans to move in with a guardian or relative within the next forty-eight hours or I will be forced to put you in a foster home." he instructed, "Do you understand?"

You only nodded in reply, too choked up to utter any words. Thankfully the officer accepted your answer and tipped his hat to you as he bid you a farewell. He walked back to his squad car, started the engine, and drove away.

You closed the door and sauntered over to a window that overlooked the beach nearby and you couldn't help but get lost in watching the salty waves crash onto the sandy shore.

You had to face it. Destiny Islands was no longer a safe place. In the past few weeks’ weird accidents had been occurring and usually someone got hurt and sometimes it was worse. Death wasn't really a common outcome, but it seemed like more and more people were having 'close calls.' Unfortunately, when it came to your parents it hadn't been a close call. They were caught in a fire, but trapped was more like it, and sad to say there was nothing left of them to find.

Your parents had been your only living relatives but now with them gone you didn't have anyone left. Well, there was one relative left but he wasn't very fond of kids. The only way it was going to work was if you showed up on his doorstep, explained your situation, and told him you had nowhere else to go.

With that in your mind, you packed up everything you needed including a few keepsakes to remember your parents and your home by before you decided to leave.

You chose not to look back because if you did you knew you would cry.


Nearly eight hours later you were walking the streets in a new city in the dead of night. You weren't lost in Midgar, well, Edge to be more precise, but you couldn't remember what street he lived on. Which wasn't very surprising as you hadn't visited him in over five years.

You noticed a small group of teenagers standing on a street corner talking and laughing. They looked friendly enough so you decided to ask them. "Excuse me," you started, "Can you point me in the direction of the Gummy Garage?" you questioned.

A tall and muscular ravenette turned around and smiled at you. Even though it was pitch dark his sparkling blue eyes stood out and almost reminded you of a puppy. "It's up one street to the left." he directed before he turned back to his friends and continued their conversation.

You sighed and quietly replied, "Thanks." before you readjusted your duffel bag strap, left the teens, and walked on toward the garage.

When you arrived you found all the lights were off which also included the loft above the garage as well. You climbed the stairs to the loft and took a deep breath before you knocked on the door knowing your Uncle wouldn't be too kind about the situation until he would open the door and find you on the other side.

"Go away!" a male voice yelled from inside the loft. But you continued to knock at almost an annoying rate to ensure the door opening.

"Good Lord, it's midnight! Come back at 7am when I open the garage! Whatever it is it can wait!" the same voice shouted from the other side of the door but you still didn't let up.

Secrets: Destiny Islands [KH/FF]Where stories live. Discover now