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"So how is this going to work?" you asked.

"Well first you'll be given an abilities exam followed by a weapons exam. It'll be quick and easy and we'll be done before lunch." Angeal replied.

"Uhm...okay..." you said quietly.

Angeal clapped his hands together and said, "Alright, let's get started... So what's your ability?"

You shrugged your shoulders, "I'm not sure."

"Do you even have an ability?" Angeal asked.

"I don't know." you said.

"So you're an undiscovered?"

"I don't even know what that means." you said quietly.

Angeal nodded, "I guess we're going to have to go through the abilities checklist."

"Abilities checklist?" you repeated.

"Mmm yeah. Don't worry, it's not going to take too long." he said.

"That's not what I'm worried about." you silently muttered.

"Let's begin." Angeal said. He pressed a button on a remote he fished out of his pocket and a car dropped out of the ceiling and fell to the ground at an alarming rate of speed.

You tucked and rolled out of the way just in time. The car smashed into the ground where you had just been standing.

You stood and asked, "What the hell was that for?!"

Angeal pressed another button on his remote and the car was lifted back up to the ceiling by a single very strong chain.

"That was the strength test." Angeal replied.

"I'm not super strong! Y-You could have killed me!" you gasped.

"Well, think of it this way... You've got great reflexes."

You caught your breath, "What does that even mean? ...Err no, nevermind, I have a better question. Why didn't you give me any warning that a car was falling out of the sky?"

"I'm not allowed to give you any kind of warning." Angeal replied.


"For the abilities checklist exam I'm not allowed to give students a kind of warning for what's coming up next." Angeal explained.

You sighed, "Fine. Let's just get this over with."

Angeal pressed another button and a springboard lifted up from the ground under your feet and sent you sailing through the air. You crash landed a few yards away, skidding to a stop on your stomach.

Angeal rushed over to you and helped you back up to your feet. "I'm really sorry about that one." he said quickly.

"What one was that?" you asked.

"That was the flight test." Angeal replied.

"That wasn't any fun." you said as you rubbed your now sore arm.

"Well, we can eliminate you as a flyer which means portions of the exam have been cancelled." Angeal said in an effort to try to brighten your mood.

"Canceled?" you questioned.

"Since you can't fly you can't reach the hoops, the flags, or take the flight speed test." he clarifed.

"Oh." you said quietly. "So what's next?" you asked.

Angeal pressed the same button as before and the springboard disappeared into the floor. He pressed a new button and a table rose up out of the floor in front of you.

Secrets: Destiny Islands [KH/FF]Where stories live. Discover now