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The next morning you woke up confused about your surroundings. The last thing you remembered was leaving Berk and you fell asleep on the Gummy Ship during the ride back to Edge. But now you were back in your new room with no recollection of how you got there.

You figured Leon and Sora must have brought you back to the house after the ship landed.

You got up, took a quick shower, and got dressed. You changed into a pair of black skinny jeans with all-over white paint splatter, black Converse with lime green laces, and a grey tank top. You pulled your hair up into a pony tail and you brushed your teeth and then you were ready to start your day.

You went down to the kitchen, grabbed a granny smith apple out of the fridge and took a bite out of it. As you continued to eat the apple you realized the house was oddly quiet and you called out, "Hello?"

You didn't receive an answer.

Instead, you found a note on the kitchen counter that had been left behind for you so you picked it up and read it.

We didn't want to wake you.
I went to run some errands and I'll be back later today.
Sora had an early shift for work. I don't know when he'll be back.
I had a key made for you so you can come and go as you please.
Have a good day,

You ditched the apple core in the trash can and snagged the key off the counter as you decided to leave and you walked to Cid's place. 

When you arrived to Cid's garage you called out, "Uncle Cid?"

A familiar blonde popped out from behind a smaller Gummy Ship than the one yesterday that looked beyond banged up and he said, "Oh, hey ___."

Another familiar face, this time owning red hair, jumped down off the Gummy Ship and asked, "What are you doing here?"

You smiled, "I could ask you two the same question. Hey Tidus. Hi Reno."

"We're doing some community service hours." Reno said as he smiled back.

"Yeah. They make our college applications look better." Tidus agreed.

"Okay...but which community service category does working in a mechanic's garage fall under?" you asked.

Tidus shrugged.

"Assisting the elderly?" Reno asked back.

"I heard that, ya idjot." Cid said after he seemed to appeared directly behind Reno. 

Reno jumped about a foot and said, "C-Cid! I didn't see you there!"

"___, what are ya doin' here?" Cid asked as he completely ignored Reno.

"I need to talk to you." you replied.

Cid nodded once and said, "Let's go talk in my office." before he led you into the back room of the garage. Once there, he closed the door for privacy and sat down on the front of his desk where there seemed to be a cleaned off space from all the clutter just big enough for the size of his butt. "What is this about?" he asked.

You decided to just jump into it, "Why did you believe me when I told you about everything that happened in Destiny Islands actually happened, but not when I say it's happening here too?" 

"Cuz I think yer makin' sumthin' out of nuthin', kid." Cid replied simply.

You sighed, "It's really happening and I wish you would believe me."

"Well I'd sorry kid, but I don't." Cid said.

You nodded, "Alright, when you're ready to listen you know where to find me."

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