Chapter 4

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Feel like this picture perfectly describes this story  😭 ^

Louis ended up at Starbucks.

He brought his hot chocolate and sat at a two seated table by a window. The window led out to the outside of a bunch of shops.

It was nice to watch people go about their day, questing what's in people's bags, where they are heading to next etc.

His favourite part was when a small dog, noticed him and put his paws up on the glass.

Luckily this was the one place Harry Styles didn't turn up too.

That was the end of his shopping trip, he got three books and a white hot chocolate. He thought that was a pretty good few hours and was soon heading home.

Even though it was only 4:30, it was also October and was becoming extremely dark. Louis' route including a lot of walking past houses and alleyways.

He didn't always feel the most safe but nothing had happened before, so why would it now.

About 10 minutes before he reached home. He felt a present behind him. He was walking on a populated area by houses, but not so much by walkers or cars.

Louis turned around a saw a man on the opposite side of the street. He was walking about the same pace just a few steps behind Louis.

Louis shook off it, it was dark and his paranoia was getting the best of him. He carried on walking a normal pace, until he looked behind him again and saw the man was still on the opposite side but was speeding up so he was completely opposite Louis.

Louis quickly straighten his head and walked a little faster, then he heard footsteps speed up. He gulped and looked to the side to see the man was now crossing the road. They made eye contact and Louis could tell this wasn't good news.

"Hey you!" The man shouted a few steps behind Louis.

Louis ignored him and kept walking, holding onto his tote bag with two hands.

"Oi." The man had now grabbed Louis by the bicep and spun him around.

"It's rude not to answer when someone talks to you." The man spoke, his hood was up so Louis couldn't see his face very well.

"I need to go." Louis struggled in the man's grip.

"Give me the bag, and you can go." The man smiled.

Louis looked down at his bag. All he had was the rest of Harry's £500, his three books, some old receipts and his ID. He checked the man over to look for a weapon. He needed to scope out the situation.

"Look mate I'll make this easy. Give me the bag or I'll fucking rip your arm off and take that." The man threatened.

"God." Louis mumbled.

"Fuck sake, they are never easy." The man grumbled and went to reach for Louis' bag.

"Get off me!" Louis screamed and threw the bag behind his back, but the man had a strong grip on his arm.

The man tried to spin Louis around and grab the bag and it's contents when another voice spoke, from behind them.

"He said get off him." The other man spoke.

Again Louis couldn't see from behind the tall man, however as they both tuned to look, A familiar curly haired mop head appeared.

Louis's eyes widen, how was this man EVERYWHERE.

"Mind you own fucking busy mate." The other man sneered and went back to looking at Louis.

In a flash, the bag was ripped from Louis and the man was off running, Louis followed him with his eyes as he ran off to in shock to even follow. Harry however was off like cheetah, running after the man.

Louis watched as Harry tackled him to the ground and they wrestled for the bag.

Louis couldn't help but laugh a little, they looked like two teenage boys fighting in a cafeteria. Although he couldn't believe Harry just tackled a guy for him.

They met a week ago.

Harry did finally win the fight and the man just brushed himself and walked in a opposite direction.

"I believes this belongs to you." Harry bowed down to Louis, like in a Disney movie.

Louis laughed and accepted the bag.

"Thanks H-Harry?" Louis whispered as Harry smiled at him.

"Harry? No more Mr Styles." Harry smirked.

Louis rolled his eyes.

"I was just starting to like you more!" Louis poked Harry's chest.

"I quite like Mr Styles." Harry smirked.

"Then I'll never call you it again!" Louis promised, raising his head.

"Mmm sure." Harry smiled fondly.

"I can't believe you tackled that guy." Louis suddenly said still in a little shock.

"Well you were standing there like a lemon, what was I meant to do?" Harry sarcastically spoke.

"Oi, first time being mugged give me a break." Louis chuckled.

"Well couldn't let the beautiful books go to waste either. Your love for romance books is appreciated by me." Harry said.

"Well, bring appreciated by Harry Styles, isn't that something?" Louis tapped his finger against his lip.

"Of course it is. Not many people get that." Harry winked.

"Oh never wink again!" Louis covered Harry's face with his hands.

That made Harry laugh and slowly push Louis's hands aside.

They both stare at each other, which feels like hours, but only a few seconds. Louis realizes, Harry has deep but bright green eyes at the same time, and pretty Cupid bow like lips, and Harry realizes Louis has faint freckles across his cheeks and nose and long, thick eyelashes that rest nicely against his eyelids and cheeks when he blinks.

"I would ask for you number to keep in touch, but it seems like we always run into each other." Harry broke the silence and stares with a joke.

"Like you would get my number Styles." Louis rolled his eyes.

"I'm not good enough for your phone Louis?" Harry asked, jokingly hurt.

"I'm sure many people occupy your phone." Louis sasses.

Harry scrunches his eyebrows.

"See you later Styles." Louis waves and starts walking towards his home.

Harry is found dumbfounded but secretly follows Louis to make sure he'll be okay.


Hope you enjoyed <3

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