13 - into the unknown (Part 2)

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Gaara POV:

This is the worst.

Ever since y/n changed into these clothes, she's been acting differently. More assertive. It's not that I dislike it, it's just that I have no idea how to handle it.

Earlier, we walked past a flower shop, and she just stopped and stared at it. I stopped too, and turned around to look at her. She didn't even look over to me and just straight up ran into the shop.

I wasn't sure what her plan was, so I just peacfully walked over to the shop. Just when I was about to enter the open door, y/n was already in front of me. In her hands was a small bouquet with around 8 flowers. They were sun flowers, some of them yellow, the others orange.

Y/n looked at me and just held the flower to me silently. Startled, I just took them out of her hands.

"Lets hurry and find a place to eat, I haven't eaten all day and I'm starving." She said and made her way out of the entrance.

We continued walking and talked about whatever we wanted. First we decided on where we want to eat, then we talked about other thigs. I decided to mention the book I gave her, eager to hear her opinion on it.

"About the book that I gave you..." I started.

She turned her head to me. "Oh, yea I've read the first chapter, plus a couple more pages."

She had read more than I asked her to, that was a good sign, right?

"It was... alright so far. Well, the mc is just very reserved so far and hiding behind her big sis. I've only continued reading because the sister is so cool. I rarely stumble upon characters as badass as hers." y/n eloberated.

I got really hyped, because that was exactly what the author wanted to happen. Everyone not caring about the mc and celebrating her big sister. It was a really evil trap, because the sister was going to die in the story very soon. It wasn't the most unique plot, but that author just had a really special way of telling that story. He made her death the most heart wrenching ever, it was almost unbearable. Making the readers get attached to a character in such short time was a skill that not everybody has.

"I really love her character too." I told her, a gentle smile on my face. I had to hold back a giant grin, knowing everything that is still coming for her.

My smile immediately died down though when I realized. Why was I getting so excited about that? I didn't know that sharing my favorite books would make me so happy. Huh... Maybe I should do that more often, I thought.

These weren't the craziest things though, the actual crazy part is what happend after that.

We went to a restaurant and sat down in a little niche in the back. We were chatting a little while choosing what we want to eat. Y/n put the menu away pretty quickly, it seemed like she found something she wants to eat right away.

I looked up for a split second to ask her: "Oh you picked something already? What is it?"

I waited for her to answer, which took a bit longer than expected. I could see her twirling her thumbs in the corner of my eye. I lifted my head from the menu again, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not that hungry, so I'm just ordering some fries." y/n said to me. She broke the eye contact by looking into the crowd. Both her arms were resting on the table, one of them supporting her head and covering her mouth with the hand at the same time.

It did not take a genius nor a psychology expert to realize that she was lying. She is hungry, she said it herself.

Her eyes shot back to me, checking if and hoping that I would believe her. I didn't.

sasori / gaara x Reader (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now