8 - First date times two (Part 2)

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"It's urgent" the guy said, but it can't be that urgent regarding the fact that he has the time to look at us with a shocked expression. 

Gaara slides off the table that he just got on while saying "Alright, let's get it done quickly then, I still have something else to do." He sighs. 

"Lord Gaara, please don't sit on those tables, they are only for the flowers" the guy that bursted into the room mumbles.

"Sure" Gaara says while walking out of the room with his arms behind his back. Before leaving, he gives me an apologetic smile. The guy that called him quickly rushes after him. I don't miss the last glance that he gives me before he's gone as well. 

As soon as both of them are gone, I cover my face with my hands and lay it down on the table. God, that was embarrassing. Kazekage sure are busy though, we barely got to do anything before getting interrupted. I lift my head and let out a sigh. I unconsciously rub the spot on my wrist that Gaara kissed. I look at the spot while thinking about what happend just now. Why did Gaara react that way to getting caught? Can't he do anything he wants as Kazekage? Why should he care that people know we are seeing each other? It's weird. 

Huh? What's that? I pick up one of my blue lollipops that is lying on the table. It must have fallen out of my jacket when I bent over the table. I put it back to the place where it came from, which is the pocket on my jacket that is located on my left breast. These pockets are useful, I keep pretty much everything in them. After letting go off the lollipop and watching it fall to the other ones, my hand stops. Maybe I should have one now. I was planning to eat them together with Gaara, but I'm sure he'll be back soon, it won't matter if I have mine now. There's one problem though. Which one should I choose? I take out a blue and a red one. Hm. I would love to try the blue one, but it would ruin my mood if it tastes disgusting. I think I'll keep that one for later. 

I go to unwrap the candy, but I stop last second. Didn't I want to let Gaara choose a flavor? Maybe I should pick the blue one after all, that way he'll still be able to choose a flavor. But I really crave my comfort flavor right now. Damn it. It would be the easiest to just wait for him to come back, but I am really bored and impatient right now. I furrow my eyebrows together, thinking hard about this. Because this is an important matter, of course. I close my eyes, trying to picture the perfect plan. 

"hey y/n" I suddently hear.

I startle, which causes one of the lollipops to fall out of my hand - of course it's the red one. I panicly try to catch it before it hits the floor, but it just glides out of my hand. The second attempt goes the same way, now it's already too late. I just watch it fall to the ground, knowing that it'll break into pieces. My day is ruined. But to my surprise, it doesn't happen. It floats up to me, and I can already see the sand that's underneath it.

"My bad, didn't mean to scare you" Gaara says to me. I pick up the lollipop and look over to him. 

"Don't worry about it, I would have just given you that one if it broke" I joke. 

Gaara laughs a little. "Fair" He replies. 

"Perfect timing though" I say. Then I proceed to hold the lollipops in his direction. "Which flavor do you want?" I ask him.

He looks at me slightly surprised. It makes me regret this whole thing right away, but I don't show it. I hope. Let's just hope he doesn't notice. 

"It's funny, these lollipops kinda look like us" he says. I raise an eyebrow. But then I take a look at the lollipops, then us. Oh, of course. I'm completely blue dressed with blue hair, and he's dressed in red with red hair. Maybe we shouldn't base our clothe colors entirely on our hair color. I let out a laugh, way too late. It's ones of those 'you serious?' laughs. 

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