Pebbles Against The Window

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Sirius confesses his feelings to a Potter twin sister!reader the night he runs away from home — fem!reader

Warnings: abuse, descriptions of injuries (cuts, blood, bruises)

Words: 1.7k

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You stood in James' bedroom as you pestered him for hiding all your socks. It was a lazy prank, but he wasn't at his best without the rest of the Marauders.

He gave in and pulled a single, mismatched pair of two blue socks from under his bed.

You stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I need a pair that matches my pyjamas." You told him, gesturing to your black nightdress. "I still want to look my best, even at home."

"Well, I can't tell you where your black socks are, you need—" He stopped in the middle of his sentence when you both heard a sound at his window.

It was soft, but sudden. Then, it happened again.

You both walked to his source of the sound and looked outside. It wasn't an owl, like you thought for a moment. Then, you looked down and saw Sirius Black outside in the cold. You and James studied his figure for a moment, and you noticed he looked terribly upset.

Without wasting a second, you both rushed across your house to see Sirius.

Even in your bare feet, you still stepped out on the stone path to usher him inside.

"Sirius, what happened to you?" You asked, closing the door behind you now that he was out of the winter night outside.

He pulled you in for a tight hug and sobbed into your hair.

"I ran away. I couldn't deal with them anymore. I couldn't take it."

With each word, your heart broke even more for him. You knew he needed the hug far more than you and that it couldn't be you to pull away, so you rubbed his back until he broke the hug.

"Well, you're safe here, mate." James told him. Pulling him in for an embrace as well. "You can stay as long as you want, I know my parents will let you."

Your brother must have hugged him differently than you, since Sirius winced painfully when James touched his back.

"You're hurt?" You asked.

"I'm fine." He assured.

"That didn't sound fine." James protested.

"I just need some rest. A good night's sleep and then I'll be fine."

You and your brother eyed each other worriedly. You shook your head, trying to silently ask him to convince Sirius that he needed help.

"Look, Pads, she's practically a Medi-witch. There's a reason she helps Moony every month." He said to Sirius. "Just let her take a look at you and make sure everything's alright."

"I'll be quick." You added. "I'll do my check and then you can go to sleep if you're really just tired."

Sirius looked at you sadly, contemplating whether he should accept your offer of help.

𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now