Don't Hold Back - 5

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no this is not smut because of the name. you know who u are. horny bastards 😨 (also i did edit this because I forgot to fix some of my spelling mistakes 😔)

Waking up the next day felt refreshing, better than most mornings. My eyes flutter open to the sounds of rock against rock.

I slightly tilt my head up from my laying position with one eye open to see Mom sharpening her arrows once again. Every now and then she sharpens them when she's nervous or angry.

I look around and see none of my siblings are around, including my father. I look around confused and spoke to my Mom " Mom, where is everyone?"

"Your father had some business with Toniwari, and your siblings are waiting for you outside."

I walk outside my home and see Lo'ak talking to Tsireya and Kiri and Tuk talking.

"Looks like someone's beauty sleep in finally fulfilled." Lo'ak says and he makes a high pitch voice while say the last words of his sentence.

"You keep teasing me about getting a rightful amount of sleep I'll pluck your braids out one by one you Shxwang." I say fairly annoyed while making a gesture with my hand near his head.

"How long have you guys been out here for anyways?"

"About half an hour?" Kiri says with tuk in her hands.

"What are we waiting for? Come on!" I yell running to the dock near our home and dive in.

I swim farther away a bit and reconnect with the surface to see my siblings and Tsireya jump into the water along with me.


After swimming with my siblings and Tsireya, Lo'ak, Neteyam, and I took a ride on our Ilu's. I directed my ilu a bit closer to the shore to hop off and head back home with my brothers when I see Kiri get crowded my some boys.

I look at my brothers and see they are PISSED.

I watch Lo'ak jump off his Ilu and walk towards the boys. I notice that Aonung was there with the boys making fun of Kiri. I don't know why but it felt like my lungs collapsed. Out of anger and shock.

I could feel anger rise in me as I saw Aonung continue to mess with my brother and sister. As soon as one of them touched his tail and scream names at him I was done. I hopped of my Ilu and saw Neteyam do the same.

I went in front of Neteyam and walked faster to them, I then yelled out "What the hell do you guys think you doing." While I spoke to them with anger hitching in my voice I made sure that my fangs showed slightly.

I walk closer to Aonung and say to him in a lower voice, "Listen. If I see you messing with my brother and sister again I will have your throat."  I say to him "All of yours. Now, you will respect my sister and brother and respect their wishes. Your choice, no throats or respect." I add while looking around at each and every one of them while they stood there in silence.

I see Anoung's eyes slightly go wide at my anger. I thought he was done when he put his hands up as a sign of defeat. I walk away towards Kiri and Lo'ak. I turn my head back towards Aonung and see that stupid but cute smirk of his while looking at his stupid friends. I watch Neteyam shoulder bump Aonung while passing him to us. All of us turn around and start walking until one of the boys said "Ba-Bye!" I see lo'ak turn around and start walking to Aonung.

"Lo'ak." I hear Neteyam shout slightly.

"Don't worry I got this bro" Lo'ak says as he turns his head back to us. This is gonna be bad.

Different Is The New U̶n̶i̶q̶u̶e̶ : Aonung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now