A Wake Up Call

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What a chapter from Scar's POV? Crazy.
Bet you weren't expecting this were you.


Scar sat at desk and couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Mumbo had messaged him saying that something had come up and they had to push the event back to tomorrow.

Scar had understood and updated everyone. It would be held tomorrow at noon.

But still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

It was almost 8:30 for him, meaning it was about 1:30 in the morning for Grian. Scar had been wanting to message him and check in, but he figured it was too late to text him.

Scar had felt absolutely terrible after the whole prank incident. He felt guilty thinking that he had caused everyone's anger at Grian. And now Grian wouldn't even answer their messages.

Scar turned off his monitor and threw himself into bed. His anxiety and guilty conscience exhausted him.

He checked his phone. No new messages. Plus it was already almost 9:00 now.

Scar sighed and decided he would try to sleep. Maybe a nap would ease his troubled mind.

Or maybe it wouldn't.


Scar found himself standing in a dark room. Actually, now that he looked at it, it looked more like a living room.

He tried flipping on the lightswitch to no avail. That was weird.

Scar began to search the room for any possible light source. He checked in drawers, on countertops, anywhere he could think of.

He continued searching the room, looking for anything at all. He didn't find anything of use, but something strange did catch his eye.

There, on the coffee table, sat a single rose petal.

Now that was odd.

Scar picked the rose petal up out of curiosity. It seemed like a normal rose petal, the only thing about it was the fact that it was in the living room.

Wait, who's living room was he even in?

Scar looked around, wondering where he even was. It looked familiar, like he'd seen it before in a picture or something.

He turned his attention back to the rose petal. Suddenly, something about it felt very off.

Scar carefully ripped the rose petal in half, and to his horror it started bleeding.

"What the hell?"

Scar searched for a waste bin to put the bloody petal in.

He found one in the empty kitchen and threw away the rose petal. But upon closer inspection, he realized

The waste bin was filled with rose petals. Hundreds of them.

This was weird.

Scar jumped as he heard a noise come from a nearby hallway.

It sounded like someone crying.

"Hello?" Scar called out. No reply came.

Scar really didn't want to go down that hallway. He really didn't want to.

But it wasn't like he had anywhere else to go.

Scar took a deep breath and braced himself.

He slowly walked down the dark hallway until he reached a door.

Scar pressed his ear against the door. He heard the crying get louder.

"Alright," he said to himself, "Just gotta open the door."

Scar reached over and placed his hand on the door knob.

Then he ran back down the hall into the living room.

"Wait! I can't just go in there unarmed!"

Scar walked over to the kitchen and after a bit of searching found a large wooden spoon.

He tossed it into the air and caught it. "Yeah," he said to himself, "This will do."

Scar, now armed with a large spoon, walked steadily down the hallway.

He heard the crying in the room.

Scar took a deep breath and he gently opened the door.

Inside, he found-


A figure was hunched over on the floor, sobbing. They held their head in their hands, and rose petals were scattered around them.

They looked up at Scar. Sure enough, it was Grian.

"Scar?" Grian asked timidly. "What are you-"

Grian began to cough. Dozens of flower petals spilled onto the ground, each one bringing with it a jolt of pain.

"Grian!?" Scar exclaimed. He dropped his spoon and ran over to Grian.

"Grian what's going on???"

Grian continued coughing up petals, tears streaming down his face.

"Scar- I think I'm dying."

Scar's eyes widened. "What? Are you-"

Before he could finish, he watched Grian collapse. His breathing was shallow and fast. Petals continued to fall, staining the ground with blood.

Scar didn't know what to do. He sat there helplessly watching Grian as he began to choke and gasp, unable to get air into his lungs.

"Grian?! What- what do I do?!" Scar shouted, desperate for any answer as to how to help his friend.

"I can't- I- get- get Mumbo." Grian choked, barely able to speak with all the petals.

Before Scar could reply, he felt himself being ripped away from Grian.

He felt himself being pulled away. He watched Grian choke while an invisible force yanked him down the dark corridor he had walked through.


Scar gasped and shot straight up.

He put a hand on his forehead. What had just happened?

Scar let out a shaky breath, replaying the dream in his head.

He knew it was a dream, but something in his gut told him he had to check on Grian.

He grabbed his phone and began calling Grian. Once, twice, three times-

Someone picked up on the fourth call.

"Hello?" Scar heard Mumbo answer sleepily.

"Mumbo? Where's Grian?" Scar asked.

Mumbo yawned and answered tiredly, "He's sleeping. I'm at his house right now."

Scar remembered what Grian had said about getting Mumbo. He began to feel more nervous so he tried to explain to Mumbo.


"Scar, slow down, what's going on? Can this wait till morning? It's 2am here and-"

"MUMBO!" Scar cut him off, "I need you to check on Grian. Right now."

Mumbo rubbed his eyes and sighed. "Scar, what are you on about?"

"RIGHT NOW MUMBO!" Scar shouted. The urgency and panic in his voice woke Mumbo up.

"Alright?" he answered. Mumbo began walking down the hallway to Grian's bedroom. He gently opened the door.

"Scar, I'm telling you he-"

Scar heard the sound of the phone hitting the floor before everything went silent.


Wow two chapters in one day? Crazy.

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