It happened to me too

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When they got back Rosalie's good mood went away. She heard Bella teasing Emmett about her being a strong newborn. And she was so fed up. She barely stopped to talk to the rest of us before walking out on the terrace. Bella and I had the same feeling as each other toward her feelings about us. Bella felt Rosalie hated her when she told Bella to blabber to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn. Jake and Jade are different. Jade will be fully one of us. Jake I understand your loyalty toward my brother and the rest of the family. But you don't want this. Though you would be different than other newborns. Rosalie I know we're all getting along but why do you hate us? Hate you? Do you think I'd spend all day with my little brother if I hated you?! No, I don't hate a single one of you. She was leaning against the balcony starring off into the night sky.

I envy you Bella. And Jade I'm sorry that I nearly scared you away or did scare you away in the beginning when you came to live with us. I didn't want to connect with you if you were just gonna get taken away from us like you were with the two other families that had you. I don't particularly like you Bella. She admitted Jake would know better than anyone that it takes her a long time for her to warm up to someone. But none of us had a choice and you're all choosing wrong. Jade she doesn't have a choice. She just has to be bitten to make it official. Jake I know you're loyalties are with us or rather with R.S. but if you choose this what happens to the rest of us? There will be a fight between the two sides whether you're the one that chose it at free will or if we killed you out of spite.

No I wouldn't let them do! He shakes his head. I may not be the alpha anymore.... More on that later but it's my pack or rather my father's. This is my generation of wolves. And I'm still the son of the chief. Those that are loyal to me and my commands will do as I say instead of Sam. But mostly we have to follow alpha's orders whether we want to or not. I don't have the tattoo anymore as long as we're out reach of Sam it seems like he can't control them. Like a cell phone. Jake you told myself and Alice today that your biggest regret was about you and Sam not getting along anymore well it takes two and if you want to try and keep getting along even a little you shouldn't otherwise ask to be killed. But Bella you're still fully human and you're choosing wrong. And I don't care how miserable your human life is! No one's life is worse than Farrah's was the last nearly 18 years! The 4 of us we saw it in person she didn't know us anymore except Jake but she wasn't even sure because he had grown up last Farrah had seen him. I don't need to have seen it I lived it.

Nobodies life is perfect but mine was. No matter how long ago it was I remember everything till the end. She sits down at a table pulls me onto her lap this dreamy look on her face as she recalls her past life her arms wrapped around me. Rosalie doesn't usually show me affection. This was weird but I let it happen. I had well almost had everything I always wanted even when it was the great depression. Everyone envied me the only thing I wanted more than anything was a child. Jade is the closest thing any of us will ever have since vampires can't have their own. We have more in common than you think but not nearly as bad as you had it. And I'm sorry for that. And I'm sorry I tried to push you away it's not that I didn't want you around I was scared for you. We had read through the file the paperwork the whatever Aro had on you being bounced to abusive home to abusive home as a blood slave sold back and forth mostly to Aro and his comrades. How once they were done with you you were sent back to Aro and then he'd sell you again for the highest bidder. We knew all of this when you came to stay with us from the beginning but when our father brought you home in a box like an animal we weren't sure if we were getting a pet or a new sister.

We could smell the blood. We made sure to keep Jasper calm. Edward was the most upset next to Esme. But that's the one thing I wanted. I suppose I more or less have a family now we didn't really used to think so much as each other as family. Occasionally we would call Carlisle and Esme mom and dad or mother and father because it made them happy but as much as we tried to treat each other like brothers and sisters those of us that we weren't romantically with my brother was right. He can be such a downer on things brooding and sulking being all stereotypical emo look at you two you really are soulmates. She rolls her eyes toward Bella. But this is like a family you grow up in it's my own family you know?! Like I always wanted a husband to come home to. To kiss me and the kids when he went off to work and I thought I was going to have all of that. Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town but I barely knew him I was so young and I was in love with idea of being in love. In her flashback it was clear that while she was being admired people didn't like Royce and he always had his eye on other women even if Rosalie never saw it.

Forever a mystery part 4: We'll get her back for youWhere stories live. Discover now