~Bite me and ill bite back~

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I just wanted to say thank you for the request! This request was made by CottageCoreo
I hope you enjoy this story..
Cold...That's all you felt when you walked into your giant freezer...God you loved it tho, Going into that Freezer meant you had gotten a new victim! And now you could let them freeze so they will stay fresh. You weren't big on murder..Hell you were afraid of murders...Yet you became one. A man eating murder..Much like that guy on the Tv..What was that name again? Bob..Velseb? What a freak, Shot 15 times and ran over 4 times. Yet some how he's still alive?! Guess you'd have to hit him with a semi truck if ya wanted him fully dead right?
After a hour of sawing off limps, tearing out bones and eating the eyes of your new
Victim, you were probably going to pass out. So as a pick me up, you grabbed your bloodied knife...Fresh warm blood trickled off it as you gradually slid it across your tongue...The metallic taste..The warmth...It was like drinking warm milk..So heavenly~. You set the knife down and went towards your door when you suddenly heard a knock from behind you. Your body froze, Who the hell got into your house? And how did you not notice...?
Steady....You grabbed your knife from your pocket..Well switch blade as you made your way to the kitchen. Your eyes wide and crazed looking as if you were about to kill your lover. You grinned ever so slightly as your kitchen light showed a large shadow on the wall, Who was stupid enough to break into YOUR home...More or less try and rob you of your precious meat. This is a crime that won't go unseen...Well...For others. For you...You were about to see how much blood this person was about to lose. Loud sounds of chewing came from the fridge..As you turned the corner your eyes widened, Devil horns..Red turtle neck..Knife...The devil butcher. You growled." Oh...Didn't know I was hosting a all you can eat buffet." You said as you crossed your arms leaning on the wall. The devil butcher shot up quickly and turned to you, No fear...No shaking just...Pure calm..Who the hell was this girl!? (Or non gender if that's what you want) slowly..He walked towards you knife in hand ready to gut you...But you stood there, And raised a eyebrow. This was some horror movie shit.
You sighed and waited for the knife to come down...But it never did, All he did was stare at you confused. Until he spoke..." You..You have human meat in your fridge?" You just smiled and laughed." Of course I do! How else am I supposed to calm the urge to murder?" Bob was astonished, He knew there were murders but..He thought he was the only cannibal in this small town, he fully stood up..And that's when it clicked...He was fucking 7'5!!!(Tall devil man be taller than the Empire State Building 😏)You almost choked. You sighed and and was about to say something...When you were pinned to the wall. Bobs breath became heavy as he spoke lowly." Did you know...A single red blood cell is about 7 microns in size~?" His tone...His voice...The accent. It was enough to make angels sing a whole choir about him. His grin widened as he seen your face turn Beat red. You growled as you turned your head to keep your face hidden, but it was quickly brought back to his face, You gulped as he licked blood off your face, you can practically hear him groan from the taste of the blood. You shivered as you felt yourself get picked up. He carried you to your room, Wait how the hell did he know where your room was? Eh doesn't matter...He plopped you on your Bed and than laid down next to you,You squeaked when you felt him kiss all over your face and neck. You giggled as he laid his head on your chest, you could feel the heat coming off him as you began to slowly fall as sleep...You snuggled up to him as he wrapped his giant arms around you..The smell of blood made it's way to your nose, You loved it...Bob stared at you and sighed."Hey..I think we should become partners." He said with a yawn, You looked at him and smiled. "Sure..."
And with that you fell asleep

ANDDDDD THATS IT! Sorry if it's short!
But I hoped you enjoyed it
Again thanks for the request I loved it

~Sweeter than honey~ Bob velseb X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now