~Signed papers~

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(⚠️Warning..Verbal abuse. Swearing. You have been warned⚠️)

Hatred...That all you felt at this very moment. You were a Trans-Female. You were excited to show your mother and father your new look!(If you don't have a mother or father you may change it to your liking)
You had cut your hair..changed your looks and everything! But...It quickly turned into a drama show..Your mother in tears as your father screamed." WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? YOUR A GIRL FOR GOD SAKES NOT SOME HOBO FROM OFF THE STREET. I RAISED YOU BETTER." He screamed ferociously, Your mother soon chimed in angrily." Your being so fucking stubborn. Is this because of those friends your hanging out with?!" Your mother screamed. You were on your hands and knees crying with your face covered...You looked at a vase that was smashed besides you, You looked up at your father who was about to slap you but you quickly grabbed a shard and slashed his hand, Warm blood oozing from the wound, He yelped and fell back. You took that time to run out of the house, You ran down the porch stairs as you heard yelling from your father starting to become louder and louder as he chased you. But you knew a short cut, You jumped over a small ditch and landed on the other side. Your father tried but tripped over a root and fell into the ditch. You kept running through the woods, The thorns and thicket cutting your arms and legs along with your clothes, But you didn't care...You felt free...Happy...so you kept running. The wind, the smell of wet soil and leaves, the slight drizzle of rain...It was beautiful to you, the setting sun made it better...You kept running for god knows how long until you arrived on a hill. You looked down to see a small town!..It looked like it has at least 700 people living there or near the area......
~Time skip to mother fuckin 7 years~
You sat there..Watching your phone, as you waited for someone to enter the library you worked at... It was calming..Almost everyday was quiet..With a additional costumer coming in to check out a book. You sighed as you sat there..Listening to soft Lofi music..With a delicious Japanese type lunch right next to you. A bento box...
(You have 3 choices to choose from for your bento box!

(You have 3 choices to choose from for your bento box! 1

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You sighed and rubbed your head...It wasn't stressful day at all..Just worried about something..And what we're you worried about? Your parents..You were scared that maybe they'll find you..But you were cut from your thoughts when the bell rang. You jumped up only to see..Bob...You gasped and chuckled." Still find it funny to scare me huh?" Bob chuckles and places both his hands in the air in defense." I enjoy mess'n with ya little lamb! Also I have a surprise for ya later." You tilted your head in curiosity. You wondered what the occasion is. A party? People coming over? It was exciting! Your mind was filled with every possible thing it could be. You didn't have time to ask, when you looked back you were surprised to see bob was already gone...You still remember how you and him met and how he so graciously let you into his home and life..
~Flash bacccck~

It was a cold night...You sat on a bench and sighed letting all the stress and anxiety leave your body to be taken into the night sky..It was so peaceful..You laid my head back and we're about to fall asleep when the smell of burgers hit your nose like a hammer. You shot your head back and looked around to find the source of the wonderful smell. And I soon found it!
A burger joint...Or dinner..You checked your pockets and found 20 bucks! What luck! You quickly stood up and rushed towards the dinner but right as you reached the door..The lights cut out. Fuck. You groaned tiredly."Ffffucccck...Guess going to bed hungry isn't so bad..It's just one night...Oh well.." You we're about to leave. When you heard a door open and a voice call you."Hey! Kid! You hungry?" The voice was deep..And had a southern accent to it. You turned around to see a large man, His hair was jet black and messy, He had bags under his eyes and a grin on his face. You stared at him before Nodding yes. The man chuckled and led you into the restaurant, And after a while of you and bob chatting...He allowed you to stay with him...
~End of flash back~
You sighed nervously as you walked down the road to bobs house, Leaves crunching under your feet as you did, The fall air and smell followed you. You soon got to the house and opened the door slowly, You could heard sizzling from the kitchen as the smell of meat made its way to you. A smile soon formed on your face, you walked in and set your bag down as you walked to the kitchen. And there stood bob! Cooking steaks while a orange envelope sat on the table. You stared at it but continued to walk to the table and sat down. Bob turned his head to you and then walked over and sat down across from you, grabbing the envelope as well, He stared at you with a serious face. You gulped, Was he mad..? You heard paper tearing as he opened it and then slid it across the table. You hesitate for a moment but grab it and take the paper out. You opened it and read...Only to drop it and start shaking as tears dripped down your face." Surpise kiddo!" Bob yelled out as he hugged you. You cried into his sweater as the adoption papers laid there on the table..Waiting for you to sign them...

TA DA!!!! New story uploaded!!!
Thank you CottageCoreo for
For the request! I enjoyed making this! It actually made me cry a lil' Heh but I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

~Sweeter than honey~ Bob velseb X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now