Dangerous woman

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The next day in the academy
"Boo" said a voice.
  Conall looked to the right and said " oh I am scared dangerous woman" 
"Of course,  you should be. Beside  Ariana Grande sang a song  about it. It is made for  me," said Emily.

"In your dream Cinderella. Emily I am trying to read. I don't need distractions" said Conall.
"Serious student" said Emily.
"Aren't you supposed to be doing my assignments? " Conall asked her.
" I have done it" said Emily.
"How? I gave you the hardest questions. How did you solve it?" He questioned her.
"I am a magical worker" said Emily.
Conall nodded his head from left to right giggling .
"You are really funny. A magical worker" said Conall chuckling.
  Emily smiled.
"I need to go before I am dead. Leave me alone Emily" said Conall.

   Conall stood up and walked away. Emily's friend came to her.

"How are you, Emily?" Lei asked her.

"I am okay, but I did something wrong" said Emily.

"Let me guess you almost killed him" said Mary. 

"How did you know?" Emily asked.

"Your dad told me" said Mary. 

"What an unexpected story" Emily.

   Mary, lei and Zen chuckled. 

"I called you yesterday. It was your dad that picked up your phone" said Mary.

"Finally Conall has meet the screw loose" said Zen

"Not funny" said Emily.

"But it was funny when you did it huh" said Mary. 

"Kind of" said Emily.

"I welcome  you the new Harley queen. " said Zen.

     The girls laughed. 

" My psycho, what is your next move?" Lei questioned Emily. 

"Going for class" said Emily.

  She ran away.

"But she doesn't have class" said Zen.

"She is embarrassed. we were just playing with her. she needs to know no matter what she does Conall will still like her. She will be fine" said Mary. 

   Emily ran to the fountain. She sat down on a bench. 

"Hi Emily" said a deep voice.

  Emily screamed and saw Daniel sitting down next to her with a book.

"Hi Daniel" said Emily. 

"Are you okay?" Daniel inquired. 

"Yes, I am okay. Just thinking of my future" said Emily. 

"Nice. I am writing a story" said Daniel.

"Interesting what is it about?" Emily questioned. 

"It's a romance story. I know you will be surprised a guy is writing a romance story" said Daniel laughing nervously. 

"It's not awkward for a guy to write a romance story. It's actually interesting you are writing one. Do you and don't let anyone to discourage you. I would love to read your book someday," said Emily. 

    Emily smiled at him. Daniel smiled back.

"Emily, what are you afraid of actually since you are thinking of your future?" Daniel quizzed her. 

"Well... I am afraid of dying again.  You know I just got out of the hospital. Fighting for my life wasn't easy but I am happy i am with  my family and friends.  I don't know what my family and friends would do if I was gone. Sometimes I think about my first kiss, my graduation, my wedding, my first boyfriend and so many more. I promised God if he brings me back to life, I will worship him and be the greatest scientist to treat severe acute respiratory syndrome and cancer .  Also, a become successful estate agent to provide for the poor and rich" said Emily. 

"Wow, that is a big promise Emily" said Daniel. 

"It is. I know i can do it" said Emily. 

"I can't wait to see what your future holds" said Daniel. 

"Me too" said Emily.

    Daniel and Emily laughed.  

    Next day,

         Conall was singing in the shower. 

"Hello Mr. Alain" said a voice. 

"I am coming Emily. I am taken a shower!" He yelled. 

"Okay Sir. I have left an envelope for you on the table" said Emily. 

    Emily walked away.   

    Next 30 minutes, Conall got out of the shower. He went to the parlor and picked out the envelope. He thorn the envelope. He brought out a paper, read it and shouted " What!" 

He quickly dials her number. 

" Hello handsome" said Emily.

" I am owning you two hundred thousand!" He yelled. 

"Yes, you are Mr. Alain. Remember I am the landlady of this estate.  You have two months to return the money let me make it six months. If you say any words against my options, I will make it two days and you will be homeless" said Emily. 

"You are a cruel lady" said Conall.

"Just doing my job. Don't play with fire handsome" said Emily and she cut the call. 

What a twist. Emily has her own estate! How would Conall pay her back. What happened to Emily in the hospital? 

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