Chapter Twenty-Two - Elaine

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"You are simply out of your mind," Paulina practically shouts at my face "just tell Sebastian about it, El! He's a raging psychopath and you barely escaped him 6 years ago."

"Exactly, we know what he's capable of. If Sebastian finds out, Cal will do anything to ruin him. He might even tip off the police about him and the family. He's a shameless asshole, and I've got a way to catch him."

She sighs. Throwing her hands down, Paulina's voice softens as she says to me "whatever you do, Elaine, please... Be careful and be safe. If Sebastian finds out about what you're planning on doing, he's going to lose his mind."

"That's why, I want you to keep a secret. Promise?"

Paulina takes a deep breath and feels defeated as she responds "Fine."


My plan is simple, but whether it's going to turn out well is still left to be found out. I tightly hold my phone to my chest, preparing myself for what's about to come. Will it work? Will I fail and get myself possibly the worst freaking situation? I've got no idea.

But I'm going to make the call now.

It takes only three rings for Cal to pick up the call. His voice sends a jolt of panic, agony, and rage down my spine.

"Well, look who's called--"

"Oh, Cal! Please... help me!"

I sob and make my throat sound hoarse from hours of crying and utter heartbreak. Hopefully, my acting can get me through to trick Cal.

Before he can even say another thing, I furthermore cry over the phone call "I'm so sorry for treating you like that, and running away from you all those years ago, Cal! I never thought I'd miss you so much like this. Sebastian, he-- he doesn't love me the way you love me. He doesn't understand my heart as well as you did... Do you still love me like that, Cal? Like 6 years ago? Like, you still want to own me?"

My heart sinks when all the words leave my lips, especially at the last sentence. I can't believe I just said that out loud to him, but to get to Cal, I need to go to certain lengths.

After a second's pause, Cal finally replies.

"My baby girl is finally back to her senses, huh?"

I purse my lip with inner relief. He fell for it!

"I want to see you, Calvin!" I sniff "My heart can't take it, my body can't take it... I just want to see you!"

"I can't wait to see you too, baby. Do you still remember our secret spot?"

Secret spot? I think for a bit, and then it finally hits me. The rooftop...

That's where everything began, and everything ended. I feel horrible just at the mere thought of going back there. It was a spot I used to love 6 years ago. It's the very rooftop where I first met Cal, and eventually fell in love with. I kept going to that rooftop just to see him secretly during breaks as I worked part-time at the Chinese restaurant on 3rd floor every weekends.

And then, that's where everything came to an end, and my love for him turned into disgust, hate and perhaps... fear.

I can't let those feelings from 6 years ago take over me now. I've changed a lot since then. I grew, I learned, and I moved on. I'm not looking back anymore, or holding back.

"Of course I remember our secret spot, Cal. That used to be my favorite place ever!" I exclaim, tears running down from my eyes as I keep lying "should we meet there? Right now? I can't stay here any longer..."

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