writing this during my second class during school right now, i'll probably finish it during lunch
"my fathers not..like dead when you're in his body right-?" "i assure you, he is very alive " "how will we go through with the plan sir" "you just watch and learn, afterall you are just a pathetic rookie and you havent even gotten your first kill, i've been doing the work" "really afton?" "yes, you are a very useless sucessor, you need to find a way of killing" "like how you being a furry is how you kill?" "i am very familiar with the modern day lingo, i am not a furry"
"yeah yeah if you say so william" "dont give me that sass young man i could kill you!" "but you didnt!" "i suppose.. you're lucky i am only limited to being in this flimsy body and not my malhare form.." "now.. we must talk." "i have found someone.. a descendant of the vengeful spirit.. cassidy.. they are a.. problem to our plans and they pose a huge threat to us.." "who the hell is cassidy-" "oh only.. a brat who trapped me in my mind in a mindscape hell for me to relive after i killed her!" "damn i can feel the tension- anyways old man stop screaming you're spitting on me!"
W I T H Y / N . . .
OH shit oh shit oh shit! this is bad very very bad hes taken another! I scream angrily as i punch the wall of my bedroom. "i cant let him take another!" "i need to get answers .. CASSSIDY!!" cassidy appears before me. "what do you need y/n?" "answers.. what is he after? answer me now!" "i see.. i shall give you the answers you seek.." "afton is weakened, he cant hold his malhare form barely anymore.. the only thing that will restore his power is the blood from one of my direct descendants..YOU .." "you see.. years ago during our last battle i managed to curse him, his power is now limited because of that curse and the only thing that can break it is the blood of my direct descendant, i see great potential in you y/n and you will make a change..atleast for 2 years but we do not need to get into that, as it is a story for another day.."
Her golden sword appears. "take this y/n, this sword is the only way to kill him.. to strike him in his black heart.. you are capable to make this prophecy come true i believe in you.." "next time he trys to control you i will be able to track where he is doing it from, there on you will be able to go for him and the battle will start, but you need to learn how to use a sword first y/n.."
"if i want to win this battle i must train, another thing to do is learn aftons weaknesses, there is no doubt that this is the key to ending this one and for all." Cassidy pov: im afraid this ending forever is not apart of the prophecy he will be dormant for 2 years and then another will rise to end it all..and her name is..Avianna . "i want to thank you for the help cassidy, but how should i be able to train?" "you have been saving up money for a car, you are going to have to spend it on fencing classes, this will help you learn how to use a sword"
(589 words and im still at school- im about to go to my next class art tho- and after that is lunch when i will finish typing this)
(got freetime in plt/advisory so i can finish this chapter now)
Darkness surounds the mind as the purple mist takes over..he is here. ITS HAPPENNING AGAIN.. i clutch my head as i try to fight his power he must NOT take control i have to hold off until cassidy is able to track the signal!.. "Y0U W1LL N0T B3 SP4R3D Y0U W1LL N0T B3 S4V3D.."
"STOP IT!!" "AGHHHH!!!!!" I somehow am able to break out of this control sending the mist flying towards the wall.. "H0W!?!?!?!? TH1S C4NT B3 H4PP3NNING!?" "i guess that proves that i am stronger than YOU after you can try to run away but we will find where you are doing this from and YOU will not be spared!" cassidy reappears.
"i was able to track the signal, it seems that hes trying to do this from the main office of fazbear entertainment, the CEO's office, i guess my suspicions that it was MR. haines were correct" "y/n?.. are you there can you hear me?" I faint from the strain that it put on my head. "ah.. escaping his control must've been hard to do and her body and mind is in a complete strain"
(813 words and im about to leave plt and i wont finish until im in math)
After a few hours i wake up in my bed feeling dizzy, i look around but everything is blurry. i see a yellow blurr that i assume is cassidy. "casss..?" "you fainted y/n, that put a strain on your mind but it strengthened you as well! if you are able to do this more times you will soon become ammune to his bullshi- i mean powers, you are truly remarkable y/n." "so..im becoming..stronger? i'll soon be ammune to his torture? please fill me in on what happened my memory is a bit..fuzzy" "afton had made another attempt at taking over your mind, he was of course unsuccessful but in the moment you became stronger..you actually scared him! he was so scared he ran away back to the pizza plex..pft how pathetic!" "i heard something.. it was like.. '1TS M3!' but it was very strange, almost sounded like a greeting directed towards afton in a bit of spite to trigger harmful memories, i should look into that later but for now i should rest, my mind has been hurt and i have work tommorow."
(wow i finished it and im still in school- bye guys i'll probably star working on a new chapter in my last class)

in this sky you're the only star i see (a moondrop&lunar x female reader fanfic)
RomanceYou, Y/N L/N have taken on a job at the pizza plex as the daycare nightguard. this is a compelling love story between a animatronic who wanted nothing to do with anyone and a human that changed his cold heart<3. (god thats so cheesy-) this will c...