The Meeting

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So Feral meets Arthur lol

Lol Xd

Feral: Hey let's race which one is going to finish their clown make up faster!

Arthur: Okay sounds like fun

Feral: Duh also I'm going to win.

Few moments later..

Feral: Hah! I won! You just couldn't keep up

Arthur: Damn..

Feral: Just kidding but you know I've done this before it's not fair okay throw cards let's see who's going to win with that

Arthur: Yeah let's do that!

Feral: Okay I got few right here let's throw!

Few moments later..

Feral: I won again lol

Arthur: Can we do something I'm good at?

Feral: Like what?

Arthur: I'm good in jokes

Feral: Lol okay I start

Arthur: Yes!

Feral: Why is the sky blue?

Arthur: Uuh bc it's daylight?

Feral: Yeah but also bc it's the color of virtue! And white clouds

Arthur: "laughs" Hahaha that's funny lol

Feral: Yeah I know okay your turn

Arthur: Okay so why do people walk with their feet?

Feral: Idk because it's normal? Hahaha!

Arthur: What! Oh come on you are so good at this..

Feral: But that wasn't the joke was it now?

Arthur: No it's bc where else can you put your shoes in?

Feral: Hahahah! Ahh man that was funny you are so funny dude hahaha!

Arthur: You think so? Wait thank you? I mean Hahaha yeah I know lol

Feral: Haha come on enough of these jokes this is so silly okay last game

Arthur: Okay! "Happy"

Feral: "Smiles" Hey so now let's see who's going to get as many balloons as you can up to the sky in short time.

Arthur: Oh hahah that's way too fun

Feral: Yeah and I'm going to win

Colden: Wtf are you two doing? Xd

Feral: Oh!.. sh*t hello you

Arthur: Oh wait is that..

Colden: ...

Feral: We are just playing Hey you have the other dude here or?..

Colden: If he was here you think he'd come to talk to you lol

Feral: Oh yeah my bad..

Arthur: Hey you wanna play with us too?

Colden: ...?

Colden 2: Yes we want to do that come on dude!

Colden: Why are you here? I mean wait what is this?

Feral: I knew you'd be here too First Colden..

Colden: Actually I'm the first one lol

Colden 2: Yeah get his eyes way he looks I'm second

Feral: Wait then why you are so hostile?

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